Your Minor Suit Structure Your 1NT opening
Posted 2014-August-12, 09:23
1NT - ??
Your hand:
A J T 8 x x
K Q J x x
What is your plan ?
"imo by far in bridge the least understood concept is how to bid over a jump-shift
( 1M-1NT!-3m-?? )." ....Justin Lall
" Did someone mention relays? " .... Zelandakh
K-Rex to Mikeh : " Sometimes you drive me nuts " .
Posted 2014-August-12, 10:37
Posted 2014-August-12, 11:07
But, of course, my CHO will always bid 2NT because she never has a minor when we need it. With 1-1 equal shortness, I think I would try 4D over the expected 2NT and hope partner is on the same page and we are not already screwed. Can still play it in 4NT if partner chooses.
Certainly, the moderns who have chucked 2S MSS for other things will solve this one quite well. I am not one of those.
Posted 2014-August-12, 11:53
3h=slam try with longer clubs
3s=slam try with longer diamonds.
If pard now responds 3nt then 4c rebid now will get the msg across.
Posted 2014-August-12, 13:50
Posted 2014-August-12, 16:58
TWO4BRIDGE, on 2014-August-12, 09:23, said:
1NT - ??
Your hand:
A J T 8 x x
K Q J x x
I didn't have an agreed structure with partner...
... so, I decided to use the dreaded Gerber on this deal :
A K x x
J x x
K Q x x
A x
1NT - 4C!
4S - 6D
As it was, 6C would have also made .
"imo by far in bridge the least understood concept is how to bid over a jump-shift
( 1M-1NT!-3m-?? )." ....Justin Lall
" Did someone mention relays? " .... Zelandakh
K-Rex to Mikeh : " Sometimes you drive me nuts " .
Posted 2014-August-13, 00:45
TWO4BRIDGE, on 2014-August-12, 16:58, said:
... so, I decided to use the dreaded Gerber on this deal :
A K x x
J x x
K Q x x
A x
1NT - 4C!
4S - 6D
As it was, 6C would have also made .
Our auction would be:
1N-2♠(weak one minor or GF both)
4♠(0/3)-5♦(sign off opposite 0)
Posted 2014-August-13, 07:09
5-5 minor hands are a weakness of my preferred structure but this hand is clear enough I think any reasonable approach should get the job done. I have a couple of options but the easiest with this sort of hand is to respond 2♠ (range ask, often a club transfer) and then continue 3♠ (5-5 minors, SI) over partner's 2NT (min) or 3♣ (max). Opener would now show the diamond fit and key card does the rest (1NT - 2♠; 3♣ - 3♠; 4♣ - 4♥; 4NT - 6♦). Of course, since I play a weak NT the real auction would be 1♣(strong) - 1♠(GF, no 4M); 2♦(15-17bal, no 5M) - 2♥(mod MSS); 2♠ (0 or 1 4m) - 2NT; 3♦ - 4♥ (RKC); 4NT - 6♦...but that would be cheating.

Posted 2014-August-13, 08:02
Alternatively, transfer to diamonds and bid 4♣. Now p can take preference for diamonds or he can cuebid supporting clubs. But if he signs off in 4NT or 5♣ we can't ask for keycards.
With some partners an immediate 3♦ bid shows a gf with both minors but it has never come up and I am not sure how it works.
Posted 2014-August-13, 11:02
helene_t, on 2014-August-13, 08:02, said:
I do not know what players using this are doing either but if it shows slam interest it seems that 3♥ = ♣; 3♠ = ♦ + bad; 3NT = ♦ + serious + ♠ cue; 4♣ = ♦ + serious + ♣ cue; 4♦ = ♦ + serious + ♥ cue would be a reasonable set-up.
Posted 2014-August-13, 11:18
2s mss if cho bids 2n bid 3n which has to be a mild slam try in the minors and no
major suit stops. Hard to imagine this sequence being anything else. Enlighten me.
2s relay to 3c and 2n relay to 3d choose 2s then follow up the 3c bid with 3d and
be willing to play 3n if bid by opener.
3h minor suit hand with no heart stop (3s if need spade stop). If opener has hearts
stopped and spades stopped they will bid 3n if they have hearts stopped but no spade
stop they will bid 3s. (best used if playing 2s relay to 3c to sign off in either minor).
The point of all of these systems is to make p aware of the importance of aces for slam
purposes not just HCP. Note that this seeing eye slam finds opener with only the heart J
and the AK in spades vs say KQJ. If opener has the latter hand 5 of a minor would be
a much better contract and if opener has both majors stopped (with KQJs vs aces) then 3n
is probably our best choice.
Posted 2014-August-13, 11:26
gszes, on 2014-August-13, 11:18, said:
2s mss if cho bids 2n bid 3n which has to be a mild slam try in the minors and no
major suit stops. Hard to imagine this sequence being anything else. Enlighten me.
I see problems with that. Main problem would be that "no major suit stops" puts the Opener in charge to move or not move over your 3NT without a clue that you have perfect stiffs in both majors. He also hasn't a clue that you are 6-5 with longer in diamonds, and only need 3 of the six keys after the minor fit is found.
Posted 2014-August-14, 03:52
Edit : I think a method that uses a "general slam invitation" is prone to opener misjudgement when you have an extreme hand such as this with 2 singletons.
Posted 2014-August-14, 07:22
fromageGB, on 2014-August-14, 03:52, said:
Edit : I think a method that uses a "general slam invitation" is prone to opener misjudgement when you have an extreme hand such as this with 2 singletons.
Side issue:
What bids(s) do you use if you have just one long minor ?
"imo by far in bridge the least understood concept is how to bid over a jump-shift
( 1M-1NT!-3m-?? )." ....Justin Lall
" Did someone mention relays? " .... Zelandakh
K-Rex to Mikeh : " Sometimes you drive me nuts " .
Posted 2014-August-14, 09:53
TWO4BRIDGE, on 2014-August-14, 07:22, said:
What bids(s) do you use if you have just one long minor ?
Simple transfers : 2NT-♣, 3♣-♦.
After a transfer, we have 4m+1 as immediate ace asking, 3M GF showing a shortage and asking for NT/minor judgement, and 3NT as a suggestion to play but showing a 6 card minor. Responder raises 3m to 4m as a conditional slam suggestion ace ask. Opener's response to this is first step denial, but acceptance shows aces as if to a 4m+1 ask.
We also use 2♠ MSS with only one minor if we want 4 card support to justify looking for slam, as we have no transfer breaks because transfers may be weak. Edit : if opener has 4 cards in both minors he bids 3♣. If responder follows this with 3♦ he must be slam thinking in single suited diamonds, needing 4 card support, so opener can raise diamonds for responder to ace ask, or convert to 3NT without four diamonds.
On a related note, we use the 1NT 3M replies as GF both minors with void major.
This post has been edited by fromageGB: 2014-August-14, 10:16
Posted 2015-June-18, 14:11
TWO4BRIDGE, on 2014-August-12, 09:23, said:
1NT - ??
Your hand:
A J T 8 x x
K Q J x x
What is your plan ?
This hand is just for 2♦ Stayman (see my topic 2♦ Stayman in Forum event to know more) : Opener 1NT has ♠ AKxx ♥ Jxx ♦ KQxx ♣ Ax - 2♦(=? for stoppers), 2♠(=AK), 3♦(longness searching fit)-4♦ ending in 6♦.
Posted 2015-June-18, 16:51
Lovera, on 2015-June-18, 14:11, said:
I use 3♦ for this hand. Whit a single minor I transfer.
Posted 2015-June-18, 17:22
Along with 3♦ = 5+-5+ majors, this structure is rarely used, but every time it has come up it is a slam/game swing for us.
Posted 2015-June-19, 10:21
Vampyr, on 2015-June-18, 16:51, said:
Infact this Stayman convention search for minor suit fit and complete scenario together its sister 2♣ for major suit fit and allow to play NT also. How ? You have this information enter second level when partner bids 2NT meaning that (s)he has sure stoppers in both major suit (i.e. two Aces in heart and spade suit). If it is not starts minor fit search. The 2♣ Stayman, you surely know, allow to play in club when bidder repeat club -3♣(=weak)- than using 2♣ and together 2♦(=strong 11/+ p.) 2♠ is weak transfert and may be used how direct transfert for diamond suit. I anew suggest to see my topic on 2♦ Stayman in Forum event (for combined useing with transfert for heart suit fit-2♦ ambigous), bye.