Soloway jump shift Is there a simple explanation the followups anywhere?
Posted 2014-August-06, 22:01
So, can anyone either explain here or give a link to a place that gives a succinct explanation of what's going on in those auctions?
Posted 2014-August-07, 05:32
Posted 2014-August-07, 06:56
- Strong rebiddable suit, 17+ total points, 4+ controls (A=2, K=1), no side 4-card suit
- Solid suit, 17+ total points, 4+ controls, may have a side 4-card suit
- Rebiddable suit, 18+ HCP, 4+ controls, 5332 or 6322 shape.
- Rebiddable suit, 17+ total points, 4+ controls, 4-card support for opener's suit
Opener can rebid his suit to show 6+, raise responder or bid RKC Blackwood with 3+ support, bid a side suit to deny support and show least KQ in the suit, or bid NT at the cheapest level to show any other hand.
Jump shifter shows which type of hand it had with its next bid:
- With types 1 or 2, it rebids its suit, jumping to game with a minimum and solid suit (note that it never shows the side suit in type 2).
- With type 3, it bids NT or raises NT to game.
- With type 4, it raises opener's suit with no side shortness, or bids its short suit (this is why it can never show its own side suit – a new suit is a splinter in support of opener).
So let's say it goes 1♠-3♣. Now a 5-3-3-2 minimum is supposed to rebid 3NT(?). So if GIB has (3) it will pass and with (1) or (2) minimum it will bid 5♣?
I've seen it jump-shift on AKQxx, which opposite xx might not be a success.
Also, what am I to do with a 5-4-4-0 hand with crummy side-suits? Again bid NT?
Posted 2014-August-07, 07:34
Now it well might be misbidding in its followups, post as bugs.
The explanation quoted above doesn't make a lot of sense. Real Soloway JS only has 3 hand types, not 4. Type 3, the hand with super-fit with opener, is supposed to raise opener or spl 2nd round, not bid NT as in the explanation. It's supposed to bid NT with type 2.
Posted 2014-August-07, 09:00
Antrax, on 2014-August-07, 06:56, said:
So let's say it goes 1♠-3♣. Now a 5-3-3-2 minimum is supposed to rebid 3NT(?). So if GIB has (3) it will pass and with (1) or (2) minimum it will bid 5♣?
I've seen it jump-shift on AKQxx, which opposite xx might not be a success.
Also, what am I to do with a 5-4-4-0 hand with crummy side-suits? Again bid NT?
And, if so, how do you distinguish between a bare minimum 5440 and AKxxx, Kxx, Kxx, AJ?
Posted 2014-August-07, 11:27
Bbradley62, on 2014-August-07, 09:00, said:
Bid a confident
Antrax messed up the cut and paste since it should say:
GIB plays Soloway Strong Jump Shifts by an unpassed hand in uncontested auctions. A jump shift shows one of the following types of hands:
1. Strong rebiddable suit, 17+ total points, 4+ controls (A=2, K=1), no side 4-card suit
2. Solid suit, 17+ total points, 4+ controls, may have a side 4-card suit
3. Rebiddable suit, 18+ HCP, 4+ controls, 5332 or 6322 shape.
4. Rebiddable suit, 17+ total points, 4+ controls, 4-card support for opener's suit
This makes the rebids by the jump shifter make a little more sense
What's not clear is whether GIB would/should bid over 3NT with a type 3 hand. If 3NT shows a dead minimum by agreement, then probably not since 18 (min) + 11 or 12 is probably not enough for slam.
Posted 2014-August-07, 21:46
Posted 2014-August-08, 15:46
Antrax, on 2014-August-07, 06:56, said:
Not open them!
OK I presume somehow you have 13 pts, bid your crummy 4-card suit. Gib wont be supporting it anyways.
When I learned strong jump shifts (admittedly slightly different from Soloway in a 2/1 system) you made the same rebid you would make to a non-jump bid but 1-level higher jumping if you would have jumped.
Posted 2014-August-08, 19:16
I prefer to play SJS only at the two level. But after a 3 level SJS such as 1S-3C there is no reason opener cannot temporize in a red suit with a strong balanced hand that does not want partner to pass 3NT. If I held a strong 5233 after 1S-3H I would bid 3S to see what type of SJS partner holds.
I would add that after a 2 level SJS, opener should bid 2NT freely rather than go to the 3 level, to give partner maximum room for description.
Posted 2014-August-08, 20:15
I think "rebiddable suit" and "solid suit" are, in the classical version, the "same type" -- bid and rebid your suit. Responder is never allowed to show a 2-suited hand, but he is apparently allowed to have 4 of something else if his first suit is solid.
Posted 2014-August-08, 22:01
iandayre, on 2014-August-08, 19:16, said:
Posted 2014-August-09, 08:02
Antrax, on 2014-August-08, 22:01, said:
iandayre, on 2014-August-08, 19:16, said:
If that's true, it should certainly be included in the documentation. But, "[t]here is no reason" is not accurate, since the documentation clearly says that bidding a second suit shows at least KQxx in that suit, and it would follow that Responder could use that information to get to a bad/wrong slam. A hand like AKxxx, Kxxx, Kxxx, void is screwed after 1S-3C.
Posted 2014-August-09, 20:57
Bbradley62, on 2014-August-09, 08:02, said:
in the documentation it says Gib never shows a side suit. Jump shifting with a 2-suiter was considered a big no-no when I learned strong jump shifts. Soloway have taken it a step further. the only way you could have a side fit would be with a balanced hand. guess you'll have to settle for 6N in that case!
Posted 2014-August-11, 14:39