I love BridgeBaseOnline "Just Play Bridge" or "Play Bridge - 4 Hands" software. A couple of enhancements that would make it even better / more useful:
1. When the declarer is North, the game goes goes into automatic play mode and moves very fast. It is hard to observe/analyze how the hand is being played. It would be good to have the ability to Pause/Resume capability after each trick is played.
2. When the hand is played to the end, the software quickly "deals" the next hand. It would be great if the software would have the option to show all four hands after the hand is played in order to do some postmortem / analysis.
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Improvements to BriddgeBase Online
Posted 2014-August-03, 12:42
The just-completed hand should show just below your scorecard; you can rehash the hand to your heart's content there.
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