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How would you bid this grand? AKx AJxxx Qxx Ax vs. QJxxx KTxxx AKx void
Posted 2014-July-27, 12:36
We'd bid this:
1N(15-bad 19)-2♣(asking)
3♥(5 hearts 17-bad 19)-5♣(XKC)
5♠(2 without, A♣excluded)-5N(anything else, looking for grand)
7♥(anything you could possibly want)
There are some subtle inferences in this auction due to bids that weren't made, but partner will have at least ♠Qxxxx, KQxx, Axxx void so the worst it can possibly be on is the spade break assuming hearts not 4-0, and very likely he has J♠ and/or is 553 and/or has K♦. The 5N bid implies he's looking for K♠ as he can't ask for it directly, or possibly K♠ and another card, and that A♣ will be of some use, so AKx♦ is very likely.
1N(15-bad 19)-2♣(asking)
3♥(5 hearts 17-bad 19)-5♣(XKC)
5♠(2 without, A♣excluded)-5N(anything else, looking for grand)
7♥(anything you could possibly want)
There are some subtle inferences in this auction due to bids that weren't made, but partner will have at least ♠Qxxxx, KQxx, Axxx void so the worst it can possibly be on is the spade break assuming hearts not 4-0, and very likely he has J♠ and/or is 553 and/or has K♦. The 5N bid implies he's looking for K♠ as he can't ask for it directly, or possibly K♠ and another card, and that A♣ will be of some use, so AKx♦ is very likely.
Posted 2014-July-27, 13:40
I wouldn't worry about showing ♠. I'd start with a Jacoby 2 NT raise.
1 ♥ - 2 NT (Jacoby)
3 ♥ (Standard Jacoby - 17+ flat hand)
--- 4 ♦ - (Cue)
(A judgement to show the control partner can't have rather than cheapest control)
4 NT - (1430)
--- 6 ♣ - (even number and ♣ void)
6 ♦ - (must be a grand slam try, implies having all the keys)
--- 7 ♥ - (K fifth is good enough opposite A fifth, ♦ K is here if looking for it, at worst might need ♠ finesse)
(Responder should see that opener might not try for grand holding many ♣ honors.)
Playing with my favorite partner, we'd have our own responses to Jacoby and some specialized old fashioned cueing. So our auction would be
1 ♥ - 2 NT (Jacoby)
3 ♦ (17+ flat hand)
--- 3 ♥ - waiting bid initiating cueing
3 ♠ - 1st round control in ♠
--- 4 ♦ - 1st round controls in ♣, ♦
(Looking at ♣ A, opener knows responder has a ♣ void)
4 ♠ - 2nd round control in ♠
--- 5 ♠ - 2nd round controls in ♣, ♦, a high trump honor, 3rd round ♠ control
5 NT (GSF)
7 ♥ - K fifth is good enough.
1 ♥ - 2 NT (Jacoby)
3 ♥ (Standard Jacoby - 17+ flat hand)
--- 4 ♦ - (Cue)
(A judgement to show the control partner can't have rather than cheapest control)
4 NT - (1430)
--- 6 ♣ - (even number and ♣ void)
6 ♦ - (must be a grand slam try, implies having all the keys)
--- 7 ♥ - (K fifth is good enough opposite A fifth, ♦ K is here if looking for it, at worst might need ♠ finesse)
(Responder should see that opener might not try for grand holding many ♣ honors.)
Playing with my favorite partner, we'd have our own responses to Jacoby and some specialized old fashioned cueing. So our auction would be
1 ♥ - 2 NT (Jacoby)
3 ♦ (17+ flat hand)
--- 3 ♥ - waiting bid initiating cueing
3 ♠ - 1st round control in ♠
--- 4 ♦ - 1st round controls in ♣, ♦
(Looking at ♣ A, opener knows responder has a ♣ void)
4 ♠ - 2nd round control in ♠
--- 5 ♠ - 2nd round controls in ♣, ♦, a high trump honor, 3rd round ♠ control
5 NT (GSF)
7 ♥ - K fifth is good enough.
Posted 2014-July-27, 13:47
wyman, on 2012-May-04, 09:48, said:
Also, he rates to not have a heart void when he leads the ♥3.
rbforster, on 2012-May-20, 21:04, said:
Besides playing for fun, most people also like to play bridge to win
My YouTube Channel
Posted 2014-July-27, 16:38
IMPs or MPs?
1♥ - 2♠ (nat; mini-spl or maxi-spl);
2NT - 3♠ (relay; maxi + void);
3NT - 4♣ (relay; ♣ void);
4♦ - 4♠ (control ask; ♦ control, no ♠ control);
4NT - 5♣ (kc ask; 1 or 4 kc);
5♦ - 5NT (Q ask; ♥Q + ♦K);
6♣ - 6♠ (SSA; ♠Q);
Strong Club:
1♣ = 15+ nat/bal or 18+ any
... - 1♥ = 4+ spades, GF
1♠ = relay, usually 18+
... - 1NT = 4+ hearts
2♣ = relay
... - 2♠ = 5-5 or more
2NT = relay
... - 3♥ = 5530
3♠ = relay
... - 4♥ = extras, 4 controls
4NT = Q ask
... - 5♦ = ♠Q, no ♦Q
5♠ = J ask
... - 5NT = no ♥J
6♣ = ♠J?
... - 6♦ = yes, but no ♦J
Getting to 7NT naturally probably means having North take control together with a little space optimisation. For example, take Hanoi's auction up to 5NT but adjust for the known ♣ void, then possible is:
(1♥ - 1♠; 2NT - 3♥; 3♠ - 5♣; 5♠ - 5NT)
6♣ = ♠K
... - 6♠ = ♣A?
7♦ = yes, and ♦Q
... - 7NT
Of course if we are playing IMPs the hand is not such a challenge...
1♥ - 2♠ (nat; mini-spl or maxi-spl);
2NT - 3♠ (relay; maxi + void);
3NT - 4♣ (relay; ♣ void);
4♦ - 4♠ (control ask; ♦ control, no ♠ control);
4NT - 5♣ (kc ask; 1 or 4 kc);
5♦ - 5NT (Q ask; ♥Q + ♦K);
6♣ - 6♠ (SSA; ♠Q);
Strong Club:
1♣ = 15+ nat/bal or 18+ any
... - 1♥ = 4+ spades, GF
1♠ = relay, usually 18+
... - 1NT = 4+ hearts
2♣ = relay
... - 2♠ = 5-5 or more
2NT = relay
... - 3♥ = 5530
3♠ = relay
... - 4♥ = extras, 4 controls
4NT = Q ask
... - 5♦ = ♠Q, no ♦Q
5♠ = J ask
... - 5NT = no ♥J
6♣ = ♠J?
... - 6♦ = yes, but no ♦J
Getting to 7NT naturally probably means having North take control together with a little space optimisation. For example, take Hanoi's auction up to 5NT but adjust for the known ♣ void, then possible is:
(1♥ - 1♠; 2NT - 3♥; 3♠ - 5♣; 5♠ - 5NT)
6♣ = ♠K
... - 6♠ = ♣A?
7♦ = yes, and ♦Q
... - 7NT
Of course if we are playing IMPs the hand is not such a challenge...
(-: Zel :-)
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