Wackojack, on 2014-July-31, 11:45, said:
Thanks for the insight into the squeeze possibilities. So if you start as I did by playing a heart to King and Ace with a trump back. Then if I have this right:
If the ♣Queen is onside (with east) then this hand can be squeezed, so no need to take the finesse.
This is correct but you have to some extent guess the distribution.
You could go down by mis guessing the red suit East has given up.
If the ♣Q is with west there is no squeeze so your only chance is Qx with west.
Not quite.
First I said I ruff the third round of clubs in dummy high. So I will make if West has
♣Qxx not only Qx
♣ So the queen must always be accompanied by at least three small clubs.
But even if West has
♣Qxxx there are squeeze chances.
If East has the last trump instead of the
♣Q in the above diagram there is now the same squeeze. East can keep parity with dummy only if he has neither the
♣Q nor the last trump.
Only if West has the last trump and the club queen than East can discard after dummy and then there will be no squeeze.
Thus don't try the finesse. The drawback is that you need to know which red suit east is shorter in and to my mind you have no handle on this. If 50% of the time you have selected the wrong threat suit when the finesse works you go down when you could have made. Also to my mind this does not look like a double squeeze. Surely it is a simple squeeze and you have to guess where the red suit cards are in order to decide which hand to squeeze. So I don't see any improvement on 75%.
Technically this is called a compound squeeze. And compound squeezes always end up in a double squeeze (both defenders are squeezed). I explained this in my previous post.
For example I said
1) If East has at most 2 hearts
Draw the remaining trump and discard a diamond.
play queen of hearts heart ruff.
Now play your last trump to execute a double squeeze with diamonds as the common threat.
On the last trump West is squeezed between the hearts and diamonds and East will be squeezed between
♣Q and diamonds. before the last trump is played both defender control the diamond suit.
The situation is analogous in case only that both defender will now control the heart suit until the last trump is played. If you guess right which suit East has given up the chances of success for this line is above 90%
East must have the
♥A (50%) and West must be longer in trumps than East (50%) and West must have the
♣Q (50%) and he must be longer clubs than East (50%), because otherwise the
♣Q will come down on the third round.
The chance for this is roughly one sixteenth.
However since you will have to get the red suit right which Easts has to give up it is somewhat less.
My guess is chances for success are somewhere between 80 and 90%.
Rainer Herrmann