Douglas43, on 2020-December-03, 10:04, said:
A. I prefer your actual 2NT to 2S by a mile. You have a balanced 22 count (with 5 spades)
C. Not so sure about your play to tricks 2 and 3. The discards don't really help, because if the club finesse works, the small clubs that have been discarded are winners anyway. However, being able to get to hand by ruffing a diamond might be useful
[spoiler alert]
B. Your explanation does not say whether the JH was captured or ducked. If it was captured, then (not having played three rounds of diamonds) I think you could make the contract by ruffing a diamond over to hand, draw trumps, cross with a spade, club finesse (loses to Ace), win east's exit in dummy and repeat the club finesse.
If JH was ducked, then I think east can beat you by returning spades and cutting communications e.g
CJ round to Ace
spade back
ruff diamond
QH beaten by King
spade back
now you are stuck on dummy and you can either ruff a diamond to hand, draw the last trump and play clubs from hand, or (better chance of making but unsuccessful this time) repeat the club finesse, suffering a ruff
I think your analysis is wrong, win
♥K, cash
♣A and exit a spade would seem to beat the contract as you can't get back to hand without promoting a trump.
If the J
♥ is ducked, cash 2 spades then run the club endplaying W to get you back to hand