Reverse Flannery?
Posted 2014-July-07, 01:17
I was suggesting to my partner to add a Reverse Flannery Style Response to our Agreement Set.
My impression was, that this is done by using a 2D jump response to a 1C opening.
If I search the net i only find references, that use a 2H jump shift.
A valid question is of course, what to do with 5H / 4S 5-8HCP after a 1D opening,
using 2H would solve this.
With kind regards
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
Posted 2014-July-07, 01:42
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
Posted 2014-July-07, 16:02
Why on earth would you want to waste a 2♥ response on showing a hand type where the best contract will often be 2♣ or 1NT, or a 2♠ response on showing a hand type where the best contract will often be 2♣, 1NT or 2♥?
Posted 2014-July-07, 17:37
P_Marlowe, on 2014-July-07, 01:17, said:
I was suggesting to my partner to add a Reverse Flannery Style Response to our Agreement Set.
My impression was, that this is done by using a 2D jump response to a 1C opening.
If I search the net i only find references, that use a 2H jump shift.
A valid question is of course, what to do with 5H / 4S 5-8HCP after a 1D opening,
using 2H would solve this.
With kind regards
Keep in mind reverse flannery is 5s and 4h not 5h and 4s.
1minor=2h is fine with a bit less than invite hands. with less(5-7) you just start with 1s and you may lose the h suit or the opp will often bid.
fwiw I play 1c=2d as gf in clubs and 1minor=2s as invite in bidminor
Posted 2014-July-07, 21:03
Sure, YlrennlaF can be useful and powerful if you rethink other auctions you have freed by you choice.
Full disclosure - I play this in precision over 1♦ nebulous and it works well. 2♥ = 7-10 and 2♠=11-12 (8 losers). Adjust for 2/1 accordingly....
Had some old notes that this is what MR did in their client version of Precison...
Trust demands integrity, balance and collaboration.
District 11
Unit 124
Steve Moese
Posted 2014-July-08, 01:08
Posted 2014-July-08, 01:55
mike777, on 2014-July-07, 20:53, said:
Yes, I misremembered this part, ... the 5S / 4H hands are not the problem for us.
What we are looking for is, if you employ Walsh Style Rebids by opener, and bypass
1S to show a bal. hand, you may loose the 44 fit in spades.
With kind regards
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
Posted 2014-July-08, 05:46
jallerton, on 2014-July-07, 16:02, said:
Why on earth would you want to waste a 2♥ response on showing a hand type where the best contract will often be 2♣ or 1NT, or a 2♠ response on showing a hand type where the best contract will often be 2♣, 1NT or 2♥?
The typical case is 1♦-1♠; 2♣. Opener had basically shown 5-4 in the minors (could be 4-4). Responder will have to show preference for a minor and that is where we will play.
After 1♦-2♥, responder has shown 5-4 in the majors. Now opener has to give preference and that is where we will play. That is an advantage at MPs.
In addition, if opener has somewhat of a fit, he can decide immediately whether he wants to play in a partscore or in game: He knows immediately about the hearts and about the fifth spade. He does not need to leak information and tell the opponents why he thinks game is playable. He could bid 4M on a balanced 18-19, or on distributional hands. That is an advantage at IMPs.
Whether it is worth to give up the 2M responses is another question (that depends on the alternative use for these bids), but knowing about the 5-4 majors at once (and knowing that 1♠ denies 4 hearts) is useful information.
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The only reason God did not put "Thou shalt mind thine own business" in the Ten Commandments was that He thought that it was too obvious to need stating. - Kenberg
Posted 2014-July-08, 09:26
P_Marlowe, on 2014-July-08, 01:55, said:
What we are looking for is, if you employ Walsh Style Rebids by opener, and bypass
1S to show a bal. hand, you may loose the 44 fit in spades.
With kind regards
ahh ok
basically we don't by pass 1s after pard responds 1h even playing walsh. I suppose if you do choose to then missing 4-4 spade fit on say 8-11(less than inv) range hands is a hole you are willing to live with.
In other words those that play that and I don't, do not mine playing in 1nt and missing a 4-4 spade fit with less than inv hand types.
Posted 2014-July-08, 11:24
jallerton, on 2014-July-07, 16:02, said:
Why on earth would you want to waste a 2♥ response on showing a hand type where the best contract will often be 2♣ or 1NT, or a 2♠ response on showing a hand type where the best contract will often be 2♣, 1NT or 2♥?
Because how do you handle the auction 1♦-1♠-2♣ with 5-4-(3-1/2-2) shape? You can't bid 2♥ (4SF), and passing risks playing in a 6 or even 5 card "fit".
FWIW, I actually play 2-way reverse flannery over a precision 1♦ with one partner.
1♦-2♥ is 5-4-x-x weak, and 1♦-2♠ is the same but with invitational values opposite an 11-15 hand.
Posted 2020-December-05, 18:47
P_Marlowe, on 2014-July-07, 01:17, said:
I was suggesting to my partner to add a Reverse Flannery Style Response to our Agreement Set.
My impression was, that this is done by using a 2D jump response to a 1C opening.
If I search the net i only find references, that use a 2H jump shift.
A valid question is of course, what to do with 5H / 4S 5-8HCP after a 1D opening,
using 2H would solve this.
With kind regards
Here is a version I play with my partner...