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Light openings (in context of a strong club)...

#1 User is offline   akhare 

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Posted 2014-June-05, 14:09

What does the 1M structure of forum posters who play light openings (defined as lighter than the typical 11-15 range) look like?


1) What is your opening range? What is the minimum strength for balanced hands?
2) What does your 1N response promise? Is it forcing, semi-forcing or something else?
3) What do your 2 / 2 / 2 (over 1) responses promise? Are they natural GF, natural non-GF, or something else?
4) What does your 1M - 2M raise show?
5) What are your 1M - 3x responses?
6) What's your 2-level preempt structure?
7) What is your opening 1N range and do you systemically open 5M332 if in range?
8) Is "putting on the brakes if opener is light" a significant concern and what mechanisms to do you have in place to handle it?

FWIW, here's my preferred take on above:

1) 9-15 with 11+ HCPs for 5M332 hands
2) Semi-forcing, with up to 11 HCPs or so
3) Natural, a good 12+ or any 13. A 2 GF relay is a "nice to have", but not at the cost of complicating everything else. I have played both GF and non-GF responses.
4) 3-card support, 5-10ish. I have played constructive as well (7-10(11)) and weaker hands with 3-card support respond 1N
5) Various, including invitational hands with good suits that can't make a 2/1 response
6) Five-card suits possible at the right vulnerability and 5-9ish range. Hands with 10+ HCPs typically open at the 1-level unless they are downright awful
7) 14-16 (15-17 in some) and yes
8) No, light openings don't need any special handling with kid gloves. Yes, we may get too high on occasion, but the problem isn't big enough to warrant any special fixes

foobar on BBO

#2 User is offline   trevahound 

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Posted 2014-June-05, 16:05

View Postakhare, on 2014-June-05, 14:09, said:

What does the 1M structure of forum posters who play light openings (defined as lighter than the typical 11-15 range) look like?


1) What is your opening range? What is the minimum strength for balanced hands?
2) What does your 1N response promise? Is it forcing, semi-forcing or something else?
3) What do your 2 / 2 / 2 (over 1) responses promise? Are they natural GF, natural non-GF, or something else?
4) What does your 1M - 2M raise show?
5) What are your 1M - 3x responses?
6) What's your 2-level preempt structure?
7) What is your opening 1N range and do you systemically open 5M332 if in range?
8) Is "putting on the brakes if opener is light" a significant concern and what mechanisms to do you have in place to handle it?

FWIW, here's my preferred take on above:

1) 9-15 with 11+ HCPs for 5M332 hands
2) Semi-forcing, with up to 11 HCPs or so
3) Natural, a good 12+ or any 13. A 2 GF relay is a "nice to have", but not at the cost of complicating everything else. I have played both GF and non-GF responses.
4) 3-card support, 5-10ish. I have played constructive as well (7-10(11)) and weaker hands with 3-card support respond 1N
5) Various, including invitational hands with good suits that can't make a 2/1 response
6) Five-card suits possible at the right vulnerability and 5-9ish range. Hands with 10+ HCPs typically open at the 1-level unless they are downright awful
7) 14-16 (15-17 in some) and yes
8) No, light openings don't need any special handling with kid gloves. Yes, we may get too high on occasion, but the problem isn't big enough to warrant any special fixes


1) In ACBL-land we're basically restricted to 10+. I think 9-15 is about perfect, but sadly the ACBL cabal thinks folks can only "handle" playing against opening bids that include one additional Jack, apparently, and don't want folks to use judgement to rate similar hands. We play 10-16, with 16's going in either bucket.
2) We play forcing nt, but basically because our 2nt is natural and GF, not invitational (or conventional), and our 2/1 calls promise a genuine suit (not GF, but it's complicated).
3) Natural, invitational or better values, if just invitational then one of the following only: one suited invite as in a IJS, two suited invite starting with the higher ranking suit, or an invite with 5+ in the bid suit and exactly 3 in partner's M. After that start, either partner can create a GF, and if opener doesn't create a GF with his rebid then responder's 2nd call is a transfer.
4) Regular old fashioned simple raise. I don't like constructive raises here because of the lost preemptive value -- there is considerable preemptive value in opening the bidding, and more in raising.
5) All conventional (unneeded otherwise), various types of raises of partner's M.
6) Opposite an unpassed hand, somewhat disciplined (more than most); opposite a passed partner, insanely wide ranging. As little as nothing at all, as much as a good 14, and sometimes just a lead directer. Incidentally, we preempt over an opening bid opposite a passed partner just as wildly widely -- any hand with no game interest is eligible. We alert this, but I think it's just bridge.
7) 10-13 in 1st, 2nd, & 4th seats. 14-16 in third red. 8-14 in third white, and we must pre-alert that, and play absolutely no conventions over it. Thank you, ACBL. We'd play 9-12 if ACBL let us (and 0-14 in third NV). For shape, we freely have 5cM's IF we think much of the field will pass with our hand, and open 1M if we think the field will open it. The other day I opened AKJT9x J9 xx J9x 1nt, and it worked out splendidly. Anecdote is not data, however.
8) It takes basically a strong NT to make an initial GF opposite our openers. However, we're opening our bad balanced hands with 1nt, which helps tons with inferences when opener doesn't open 1nt. With those caveats, though, we're aggressive from both sides of the table. I've been set before, once or twice, but defense is hard.

It seems bizarre to me to play a big club and still use a strong NT.


Brian Zaugg,
"I suggest a chapter on "strongest dummy opposite my free bids." For example, someone might wonder how I once put this hand down as dummy in a spade contract: AQ10xxx void AKQxx KQ. Did I start with Michaels? Did I cuebid until partner was forced to pick one of my suits? No, I was just playing with Brian (6S made when the trump king dropped singleton)." David Wright

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Posted 2014-June-05, 17:33

1) What is your opening range? What is the minimum strength for balanced hands?
Basically (9)10-17 and unbalanced. Balanced hands are opened 1NT or 1.

2) What does your 1N response promise? Is it forcing, semi-forcing or something else?
1 - 1NT = weak with hearts
1 - 1NT = weak with spades
1 - 1NT = INV+ relay

3) What do your 2 / 2 / 2 (over 1) responses promise? Are they natural GF, natural non-GF, or something else?
Natural and weak, not forcing.

4) What does your 1M - 2M raise show?
Just a classic weak raise. The top end is a little lower than some systems because the limit raises allow for a game try and thus have a slightly wider range.

5) What are your 1M - 3x responses?
Various raises.

6) What's your 2-level preempt structure?
Dutch + Unusual -> Muiberberg + mini-multi + 2NT minors.

7) What is your opening 1N range and do you systemically open 5M332 if in range?
(11)12-14 and all 5332s in range have to open 1NT systemically.

8) Is "putting on the brakes if opener is light" a significant concern and what mechanisms to do you have in place to handle it?
It is not a massive concern but the non-forcing replies sometimes help to stop lower in a playable spot and the INV+ relay effectively allows 3 card limit raises to stop in 2 of Opener's suit.
(-: Zel :-)

#4 User is offline   awm 

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Posted 2014-June-05, 18:35

1) What is your opening range? What is the minimum strength for balanced hands?

Usually 11+ for balanced hands We used to open on the rule of 18 for unbalanced hands (so 5-4 9s, 5-5 8s), but it's now closer to rule of 19 to avoid being obligated to pre-alert. Still believe rule of 18 is technically good. Maximum is a bad 13 for balanced hands, 15 for unbalanced hands (15 with ten card in two suits usually opens 1).

Contrary to a previous post, ACBL has no problem with one-of-a-suit openings being as light as 8 hcp provided you pre-alert. We don't like to pre-alert.

In general I have not found opening bad balanced hands to be a very good strategy, because the opening (or non-opening) helps opponents a lot in the play without giving our side significant competitive advantages. However, opening bad unbalanced hands is a significant winner provided partner will not hang me in an uncontested auction.

2) What does your 1N response promise? Is it forcing, semi-forcing or something else?

Not forcing, but could be up to a flat 12-count. Opener is expected to pass with a balanced "very good ten to bad thirteen" and to bid with an unbalanced hand (except 4-5 and minimum). Hands with 3+ support for opener never respond 1NT.

3) What do your 2 / 2 / 2 (over 1) responses promise? Are they natural GF, natural non-GF, or something else?

Natural and 12+ points. Only a one-round force. We play a very natural style in these auctions. We reason that GF hands are quite infrequent opposite a light range and want to have better developments on the quite common invitational hands. We are also not really married to relays, especially for auctions where the most frequent goal is to select the right game contract (rather than looking for slam).

4) What does your 1M - 2M raise show?

Very wide range, something like 5-10 hcp and around 9 losers. We are protected by the fact that any hand making a game try or simply bidding game in a strong club system will have some shape, meaning that even if we go off in 3M quite a bit, opponents could have made something. Note that these ranges make it very difficult for opponents to place our high card points if they end up declaring after a single raise auction by us.

5) What are your 1M - 3x responses?

In most cases natural and preemptive. We play these with a very wide range (0-9 hcp; any hand that will not make game on power opposite a limited opener). This is more frequent than invitational jumps, puts pressure on the opponent in fourth seat, and actually gives us better invitational auctions (because suit is guaranteed INV values, and a slower course on a better hand). Note that this wide range would be unplayable in a "normal" 2/1 system with wide range openings.

We use 1M-2NT and 1-2 and 1-3 as raises.

6) What's your 2-level preempt structure?

We use both 2m openings as natural and intermediate to offload these hand types from 1 (which is now virtually always balanced or three-suited). We play "regular" wide ranging weak two bids with a range something like 4-10 or 5-11. Hands which would seem to qualify for both 1M and 2M will open 2M to apply pressure, and to remove these hand types from 1M (so 1M-1NT-2M is always a hand that conservative bidders would've opened at the one level).

7) What is your opening 1N range and do you systemically open 5M332 if in range?

14-16 in the first two seats, 15-17 in the last two. We are systemically forced to open 1NT on 5M332 since we have no call over 1M-1NT in this range.

8) Is "putting on the brakes if opener is light" a significant concern and what mechanisms to do you have in place to handle it?

I believe that having two invites opposite a 9-15 range is essential. Our "bad non-fitting invites" generally start 1NT, after which any non-pass rebid is a good 8 to 12 hcp (allowing opener to bid on with 13+ to 15). Our "good non-fitting invites" generally start with a 2/1 bid and then make some NF call at next turn (often 2M or 2NT). Our fitting invites start with jump shifts and we have counter-tries available.

9) It seems bizarre to me to play a big club and still use a strong NT.

It seems bizarre to me to play a big club with a hole between the max 1NT and the 1 opening. The problem is that 1, which is frequently opened on random shapely garbage, suddenly includes a middle set of quite good hands which will be horrendous to show in competition. Of course you can play a "weak notrump" with all balanced hands opening 1NT or 1, but this means you have a very light 1, or a very wide 1NT range, or are passing hands most of the field opens (all of which are poor).
Adam W. Meyerson
a.k.a. Appeal Without Merit

#5 User is offline   steve2005 

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Posted 2014-June-05, 22:14

View Posttrevahound, on 2014-June-05, 16:05, said:

1) In ACBL-land we're basically restricted to 10+. I think 9-15 is about perfect, but sadly the ACBL cabal thinks folks can only "handle" playing against opening bids that include one additional Jack, apparently, and don't want folks to use judgement to rate similar hands. We play 10-16, with 16's going in either bucket.

Brian Zaugg,

not true, 8 pts is ok, where 10 is required is if opening conventional.

from GCC


6. Opening one bids which by partnership agreement could show fewer than 8 hcp. (not applicable to psyches)"


"One Club or One Diamond may be used as an all-purpose opening bid (artificial or natural) promising a minimum of 10 hcp"

Since you probably want 1D artificial in a strong club system your restricted to a min of 10 hcp.

Sarcasm is a state of mind

#6 User is offline   PrecisionL 

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Posted 2014-June-06, 06:59

Playing a Strong 1 System:

1) 1/ = 8-12 (ACBL pre-alert required); 1 = 13-16; 1 = 17+

2) 1NT response is natural, not forcing to all of the above except 1

3) 2 response is Artificial Game Force over all except 1NT opening

4) 1M - 2M = 4-cd support and less than a good limit raise

5) 1M - 3Y responses: Invitational game try (not forcing)

6) 2 bids are not weak, 10-14 hcp and 5-cd M and 4+, 6 of the minor

7) 1NT = 11-14 and 5M332 included if less than 2 1/2 honors

8) Putting on brakes built into system opening bid ranges

Ultra Relay: see Daniel's web page: https://bridgewithda...19/07/Ultra.pdf
C3: Copious Canape Club is still my favorite system. (Ultra upgraded, PM for notes)

Santa Fe Precision published 8/19. TOP3 published 11/20. Magic experiment (Science Modernized) with Lenzo. 2020: Jan Eric Larsson's Cottontail . 2020. BFUN (Bridge For the UNbalanced) 2021: Weiss Simplified (Canape & Relay). 2022: Canary Modernized, 2023-4: KOK Canape.

#7 User is offline   rbforster 

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Posted 2014-June-06, 10:02

1. 9-15, rule of 18 for unbalanced hands. Any 10+ balanced if NV, good 12's balanced at Vul
2. Forcing NT over 1M except by PH. Non-forcing and not encouraging over 1D (pass with all balanced; better responders bid 2C or 2N)
3. We play 2/1 GF, so about 14 HCPs without a fit. 2C shows 3+, 2D 4+, 2H 5+
4. Normal raise, 6-9ish, more often 3 card support than 4 given we bid Bergen with some 4 card raises
5. Conventional raises of opener (Bergen, mixed, preemptive, Jacoby)
6. 2M are standard 6 card preempts, somewhat weaker 4-9ish; 2m are 5+ with a side major 5-10ish (helps remove some 4H/5D min rebid problems)
7. 10-12 NV, 12+ to 15 V or 4th seat, 5M332 typically opened 1NT in range.
8. I wouldn't say it's a major concern, but we've developed conventions to help with it so it's an issue and one worth addressing.

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Posted 2014-June-06, 12:37

Hi. I sometimes play a two-way pass system with 1x openers as natural. When regulations forbid that, I have a strong club version of it prepared. Replies in context of that version.

1) What is your opening range? What is the minimum strength for balanced hands?
Opener are 9-14. Min strength for balanced hands is 9-11 as well.

2) What does your 1N response promise? Is it forcing, semi-forcing or something else?
Semi-forcing over 1M (10-12)
Non-forcing over 1 (8-12)

3) What do your 2 / 2 / 2 (over 1) responses promise? Are they natural GF, natural non-GF, or something else?
Natural GF over major, F1 over 1 (12+).

4) What does your 1M - 2M raise show?
Constructive raise 10-12, mixed trials follow up. In competition all raises become "random noise bid", with cue/2NT taking its place.

5) What are your 1M - 3x responses?
Mine are non-standard. I play it as singleton splinter, inv+. Open responds in steps:
1 step = less than 9 outside your singleton
2 step = 9-11 outside your singleton
3+ step = 12-14 outside your singleton, run-off to RKCB

6) What's your 2-level preempt structure?
All natural, classic style 6-11. Trash preempts of 6-8 pass and of 9-11 open 1x.

7) What is your opening 1N range and do you systemically open 5M332 if in range?
5M332 systematic in all NT openers.
9-11 and 12-13: open 1NT or 1 and rebid 1NT, according to seat/vuln.
15-17: open 1, rebid 1NT
18-20: open 2NT
21+: open 1, rebid an artificial 2 (balanced, unlimited)

8) Is "putting on the brakes if opener is light" a significant concern and what mechanisms to do you have in place to handle it?
It is not a concern because responder usually only responds on hands that are mildly invitational.

The two-way pass was played recently against top national competition and performance was convincing. The precision variant of it would also have fared well, I'm sure.

#9 User is offline   dake50 

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Posted 2014-June-06, 17:57

What does the 1M structure of forum posters who play light openings (defined as lighter than the typical 11-15 range) look like?
1) What is your opening range? What is the minimum strength for balanced hands?
*** 1S=8-15, 1H=8-17, 1N=10-13, 2m=12-17.
2) What does your 1N response promise? Is it forcing, semi-forcing or something else?
*** 1M-1N=10-13.
3) What do your 2 / 2 / 2 (over 1) responses promise? Are they natural GF, natural non-GF, or something else?
*** 2m= 14+ or 2-1/2 raise. 2H nf asks support with 3+H, 10+.
I did prefer 2C as Golady, 2D as other suit/strength exploring.
4) What does your 1M - 2M raise show?
*** 6-9, 3+support.
5) What are your 1M - 3x responses?
*** 3C is an artificial slam ask, 3D,3H are strong asking support.
6) What's your 2-level preempt structure?
*** natural 2m=12-17, typical 2M.
7) What is your opening 1N range and do you systemically open 5M332 if in range?
1N=10-13, 4cS permitted if 3 suits have honors in 4333; 4cH if 3 suits have honors in 3433, 3424, 2434.
No need to look for 4-4M fit, freeing responses.
8) Is "putting on the brakes if opener is light" a significant concern and what mechanisms to do you have in place to handle it?
*** After 1H-1S, 1N rebid has 8-11 intending quits.
After 1M-2m, 2 of opened Major is required if 8-11.
Let 8-11, 5S4H,4S4H,4S5H plan to reopen.
Thus no search for the other Major if minimum.

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