GIB Release Notes - updated with each new version A place to keep track of GIB upgrades
Posted 2012-June-02, 07:41
1minor - 2NT invite 11-12
1minor - 2minor
2something - 2NT invite 11-12
Why would you pass through invite with same idea? Just to show 4+ fit in the minor?
Posted 2012-June-02, 13:16
georgi, on 2012-June-02, 07:41, said:
1minor - 2NT invite 11-12
1minor - 2minor
2something - 2NT invite 11-12
Why would you pass through invite with same idea? Just to show 4+ fit in the minor?
Yes. The second auction leaves open the possibility of playing some number of the agreed minor.
Posted 2012-October-16, 16:43
Posted 2012-October-16, 22:01
BBO Today said:
Say hi to GIB version 24, October 16, 2012! Main Changes:
- GIB is now less eager to play in a 5-2 or 4-3 major game. It will prefer 3NT instead.
- GIB is now more conservative after the 1N-P-2S (Minor suit stayman) auction.
- Fourth seat preempts have been "beefed up" - they are now made with 10-12 HCP and appropriate length and suit quality.
- GIB no longer uses "Help Suit Slam Try". This has been replaced with regular cue bids.
- GIB now treats partner's new suit responses to a preempt as fully forcing.
- GIB now uses "third suit forcing" after opener's minor rebid. Eg: 1C-P-1S-P-2C-2D/2H. 2D/2H here would be semi natural (3+), game forcing.
As usual, a bunch of bug fixes and tweaks also go into this release. This upgrade is only for those using the new BBO client (web version). Those of you using the old client for Rental Robots, please upgrade to enjoy the new GIB features immediately - an upgrade package for the old client Rental Robots will take a while more to prepare. All Tournament Robots, however, have been upgraded, whichever version of BBO you use.
We hope you enjoy the new improved robot. This is the 4th upgrade for GIB we've pushed out this year, and the 11th in the past 2 years. We will continue to strive for excellence in our robot. Every robot report you send in is read, so please keep sending in those bugs reports and suggestions. To participate in discussions with us, please visit BBO's GIB forum.
To play with the GIB, either
- Rent them at $1/week (Basic Robot) or $1/day (Advanced Robot) or
- Join a robot tourney or
- Wait for the 1st of every month where all BBOers get to play with robot free for the day
Posted 2012-October-20, 23:24
georgi, on 2012-April-20, 16:11, said:
Bbradley62, on 2012-April-20, 13:44, said:
Rain, on 2012-April-18, 03:43, said:
Main Changes:
- GIB will be more eager in making weak 2 Major openings.
GIB's convention card says "normally good 6-card suit" and the systems notes say "Disciplined, with honors in the suit". Are you not able to define "a little more liberal" so that we know what does or does not qualify?
QJxxxx or better.
Or this, apparently:
Posted 2012-October-21, 23:28
Say hi to GIB version 24, October 16, 2012! Main Changes:
- Fourth seat preempts have been "beefed up" - they are now made with 10-12 HCP and appropriate length and suit quality.
Posted 2012-October-24, 07:59
Opening's description is essentially related with the honors containing and partner to rely on it.
Posted 2013-January-04, 10:53
Posted 2013-January-04, 21:05
BBO Today, announcement abridged, said:
GIB sends New Year greetings to all BBOers with a new version - Version 25, released Jan 3 2013, is here! Main Changes:
- If a seven card trump fit is suspected in the majors, GIB will consider passing more often instead of insisting on a raise.
- Changed the 1S meaning in 1C-1D-1H-1S - this is now artificial and game forcing. 1C-1D-1H-2S is now game forcing with spades.
- GIB used to be happy bidding a new suit with a minimum hand after partner jumps over a takeout double. Now it'll only bid a new suit with game forcing values.
- GIB will be smarter about responding with 5+5+ Majors after partner opens 1NT; Transfer and then showing other major will now be 10+ HCP. If opponents interfere with 2C, GIB will now prioritize using X to stayman with invitational values.
- A lot of bugs were fixed in this release. No actual insects were harmed.
All robot used in tournaments are always upgraded. This upgrade is only for those using the new BBO client (web version). Those of you using the old client for Rental Robots, please upgrade to enjoy the new GIB features.
We hope you enjoy the new improved robot. This is the 1st upgrade for GIB we've pushed out this year, and the 12th since 2011. We will continue to strive for excellence in our robot. Every robot report you send in is read, so please keep sending in those bugs reports and suggestions.
Posted 2013-November-04, 09:43
Psyche (pron. sahy-kee): The human soul, spirit or mind (derived, personification thereof, beloved of Eros, Greek myth).
Masterminding (pron. m

"Gentlemen, when the barrage lifts." 9th battalion, King's own Yorkshire light infantry,
2000 years earlier: "morituri te salutant"
"I will be with you, whatever". Blair to Bush, precursor to invasion of Iraq
Posted 2013-November-04, 13:06
1eyedjack, on 2013-November-04, 09:43, said:
We didn't upgrade to V28 yet. We released an upgrade last week but something went wrong (this upgrade brought a very old bug to life and it caused some serious issues in robot tournament) and we had to roll it back. The bug and other issues were fixed, but we need to test some more before upgrading robots. We'll post a news item in BBO Today when V28 is released.
Posted 2013-November-05, 04:40
Posted 2013-November-09, 07:22
Main Changes:
- Basic robots received a significant upgrade.
- Improved slam bidding sequences when partnership has shown two suits.
- Added 4N as an option to show both minors in competition.
- Improved continuations over 1NT opening and interference from opposition.
- GIB will be more flexible after 1M opening - overcall from opps - 2M free raise.
- Improved methods to show both majors in response to a strong 2C or 2N opening.
- Improved responses to 4th level cuebids over interference.
- GIB will now show major first with 4M-5m in response to partner's balancing double at 3rd level or higher.
- Other bug fixes and minor tweaks.
Posted 2014-March-14, 21:42
BBO Today box said:
- We tried to make some explanations clearer. For instance, the cryptic "8421" cue bidding alerts have been replaced, and explanations now contain suit symbols.
- Responder's double in balancing seat is now takeout instead of penalty over opponents' 4th seat overcall.
- It is now possible to show both majors or other major + minor over opponents' 2nd level preempts. Over opps' 2M opening, 4M shows a strong hand with minors, while 4NT shows a weaker hand with both minors.
- 3 level preempts will now guarantee better suit quality (QJ or better). Also, GIB will trust partner's 3NT or further double(s) indisputably and will not pull to a suit it has already shown.
- After 4NT keycards and 5C/5D reply, GIB will raise partner's 5M when holding 3 or 4 key cards.
- GIB will be more careful about bidding 3NT without stoppers.
- GIB will no longer strive to reach game in competitive auctions when partner had already passed opps' bid and then tries to compete.
- A lot of other bug fixes and minor tweaks.
We also would like BBOers to know we had to postpone a fix for 2C opening and follow up actions, but that this fix should be ready for the next update in a few months.
All robot used in tournaments have already been upgraded. This upgrade is only for those using the new BBO client (web version) or anyone on our mobile app. Those of you using the old client for Rental Robots, please start using the new version of BBO in order to enjoy all our upgrades.
We hope you enjoy the new improved robot. This is the 1st upgrade in 2014 and the 16th since 2011. We will continue to strive for excellence in our robot. Every robot report you send in is read, so please keep sending in those bugs reports and suggestions. To participate in discussions with us, please visit BBO's GIB forum.
Posted 2014-March-15, 17:57
A new version of GIB is is here! We call this Version 29. Please visit BBO Discussion Forum to discuss the robots. Main Changes:
We tried to make some explanations clearer. For instance, the cryptic "8421" cue bidding alerts have been replaced, and explanations now contain suit symbols...
I think these are both counter-productive. On my crappy old computer, and I'm guessing on small cellphone screens, I get a little red blob (which could be either a heart or a diamond) or a little black blob (spade or club). Of course, I usually know which is meant, but I'm sure there will be some strange situations when I get surprised.
I saw nothing at all cryptic about the 8421 alerts, once I bothered to read the explanation in the GIB system documentation. Today GIB partner dealt and opened 2♥; I replied 2N and pard bid 3♣. Using the old method, this was explained as showing 3+ 8421points in clubs. Perfectly clear: pard has A, or K, or QJ. Now, the explanation is that it shows the ♣Q. Certainly less accurate/helpful.
Posted 2014-March-17, 11:47
Bbradley62, on 2014-March-15, 17:57, said:
Suit symbols are used almost everywhere else in the UI. This is just being consistent.
We think most people found the 8421 stuff confusing -- not everyone reads documentation, and it's not something bridge players are normally taught, like 4321 HCP. However, I agree the fact that it's showing "at least" what is stated in the explanation is not clear. It should probably say something like "QJ+".
Posted 2014-June-05, 08:38
BBO Today said:
(Note: I edited 2 points that were wrong this morning in points 3 and 4)
Significant Changes:
1) GIB will be much more cautious when raising partner's overcalls and preemptive openings. It will also start taking vulnerability into account, and stop blindly following "the law".
2) Adjusted the values GIB thinks it needs for bidding slams and grand slams. GIB will now only try for slams with more combined HCP in NT contracts, but with less combined TP in trump contracts.
3) Slight change to GIB's "unusual over unusual" where instead of 10-12 TP for unusual vs unusual, this response will now have 10+ TP. Eg: If the auction goes 1H (2N*) 3C, where 2N* is an unusual NT showing clubs and diamonds, 3C means bidder has a limit raise or better in H.
4) GIB will try to avoid bad trump fits and play in NT more. Eg: With 43, 42, 51, 60, etc trump fits, GIB is more willing to stay in NT.
5) After a sandwich NT, system is now on! Eg: (1C) P (1D) 1N is a strong NT, transfers/staymans etc will now apply.
Many of the bugfixes were taken from GIB forum and discussion, and we'll like to thank contributors for their suggestions here. The next GIB version is also going to be a major overhaul one and we think it will come soon.

This post has been edited by diana_eva: 2014-June-07, 17:16
Reason for edit: highlight version number
John Nelson.
Posted 2014-June-05, 09:03
I also disagree that more 4-3 fits should be played. It was already choosing 4-3 major fits at high levels far more than any sane human would. For example with Axx, Kxx, AQxxxx, x for example after 1D, 2C, 2D, 2S, it will bid 3S rather than 2NT. Makes no sense to me, since 2D didn't deny a major.
This is a very disappointing "upgrade". When will you address the fact that it is possible in bridge to have fits in two suits? Stop focusing on adding gadgets and improve the quality of GIB's bidding in routine auctions.
Posted 2014-June-05, 09:58
Rain, on 2014-June-05, 08:38, said:
- GIB now does "unusual over unusual". So if the auction goes 1H (2N*) 3C, where 2N* is an unusual NT showing clubs and diamonds, 3C means bidder has a limit raise or better in H.
This has always been the case, according to the published System Notes. Was it not actually the case, or has something subtle changed?
GIB System Notes said:
- Unusual versus Unusual, lower cue = limit raise or better (GIB does UVU, but doesn't alert it with this name)