campboy, on 2014-May-29, 03:14, said:
It is clear that without South's illegal attempt to stop North bidding 5♣, EW would have been able to defend 5♣x and would have had the opportunity to get an adjusted score if the 5♣ bid had damaged them. So NS were headed for whichever score was worse; it would be wrong to rule that South's antics can get them out of that position.
It is clear that without South's illegal attempt to stop North bidding 5♣, EW would have been able to defend 5♣x and would have had the opportunity to get an adjusted score if the 5♣ bid had damaged them. So NS were headed for whichever score was worse; it would be wrong to rule that South's antics can get them out of that position.
I think that is the crux of it. What if South had called the director after West's pass but before North reached towards 5C? Would that be:
1) an antic to get N/S out of a hole; or
2) a legitimate - or even obligatory - action to prevent an irregularity?
If it would be (2), I would be more inclined to suggest to South this is what should have been done rather than invoke L23.