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IMPrecision RHO interference

#1 User is offline   straube 

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Posted 2014-May-21, 14:21

I'm still trying to work through RHO interference. It seems to me that if opener's new suit at the 2-level were not forcing that the follow ups would be easier because responder would not have to manufacture a bid when weak. Then opener's double would be takeout but would include hands that plan to GF with a 5-cd major. Or maybe that's just not best. Appreciate any help.

1C P 1H (2D)

.....dbl-takeout, not void
.....2H-forcing? If so...
..........2S-nf rebid?
..........2N-nf? doesn't promise a stopper?
.....2S-fit, nf
.....2N-stopper, notes say forcing one round with stopper, but this doesn't seem right for this case (1H doesn't promise a 5-cd suit)
..........3C-natural? forcing or not? stayman?
..........3D-stayman? or transfer?
..........3H-natural and forcing? transfer?
.....3C-GF natural
.....3D-void and takeout, not 4S? so 3406?
.....3H-6H, GF
.....3S-fit, GF

1C P 1S (2D)
.....dbl-takeout, not void
.....2H-hearts, f
.....2S-spades, f
.....2N-stopper and forcing
..........3C-natural? forcing or nf?
..........3D-nf diamonds
..........3H-natural and forcing, but bal or promises diamonds?
.....3C-natural, GF
.....3D-void and takeout
.....3H-6H, GF
.....3S-6S, GF

1C P 2C (2H)
.....dbl-takeout, not void
.....2S-5S, forcing?
.....2N-stopper, fit/tolerance for clubs, forcing
..........3C-to play
.....3C-raise, nf
.....3D-natural, GF
.....3H-void takeout
.....3S-6S, f

#2 User is online   awm 

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Posted 2014-May-21, 16:28

We don't play openers 2-suit bid as forcing. The difference between this and the transfer auction is that we have double available to handle forcing hands.
Adam W. Meyerson
a.k.a. Appeal Without Merit

#3 User is offline   straube 

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Posted 2014-May-21, 17:02

That helps a lot. How about opener's NT rebids? Especially 2N.

1C-1H (2D) 2N shows what? GF balanced hand or a 2-way bid (to stop in the lower ranking club suit in this case)

What are responder's rebids here? Can the partnership stop in 3S and if so how does it get there?

Also curious about the unlikely 1C -1H(1S) 1N auctions.

#4 User is offline   straube 

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Posted 2014-May-21, 17:58


#5 User is offline   straube 

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Posted 2014-May-22, 22:30

Am I getting closer?

After a 2-level+ overcall of 1H+, relays are over. Opener's first rebids are…

2N-GF balanced
.....cue-shows 4 of available major
3L-GF natural
.....2N-stopper, GF
.....2L-nf (new suit=5+ and suit rebid=6+)
.....cue-GF, no stopper
cue-takeout void?
dbl- If strong, plans to rebid a 5-cd suit or cue
........If weak, is responsive if partner has shown a suit.

........In response to a double, responder may bid nf at the 2-level or use 2N as Lebensohl. Responder's of 2S is natural and shows 3 spades if responder has previously denied 4 spades. Responder's
........rebids at the 3-level are game forcing.
P-minimum balanced, trapping, or awkward. nf
........2 of new suit-5+ suit, nf
........2L rebid-6+ suit, nf
........2N-GF, stopper
.............cue implies 4 of available major
........dbl-takeout. Note that 5422 would dbl after 1C P 1H (2C) P P because spades are longer.
.............opener's bids are natural, jumps are invitational

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