Out of curiosity: could any of my possible responses over 5♥ have led to a final contract other than 6♠?
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not denying support?
Posted 2014-May-14, 11:59
I think this is a recurring theme, but my 2NT should deny four spades, and 3♠ should show exactly three.
Out of curiosity: could any of my possible responses over 5♥ have led to a final contract other than 6♠?
Out of curiosity: could any of my possible responses over 5♥ have led to a final contract other than 6♠?
Posted 2014-May-14, 22:38
Responder should be assuming this is a slam if a fit is found.
Have two complaints with GIBs bidding
1) I hate it when the weak hand takes over and starts Keycarding. I was taught as a beginner not to do this unless big hand limits itself with a NT bid.
2) Gib doesn't bid its longest suit first, bidding a empty 5-card ♠ suit rather than a 6-card ♣ suit with an honor. 6♣ might make in a 6-2 fit but 6♠ wont be hot in a 5-2 fit and you'll never find a 6-2♣ fit if you don't bid them first.
7N is the contract, making if either ♠ or ♣ breaks 3-2 85% I think
Have two complaints with GIBs bidding
1) I hate it when the weak hand takes over and starts Keycarding. I was taught as a beginner not to do this unless big hand limits itself with a NT bid.
2) Gib doesn't bid its longest suit first, bidding a empty 5-card ♠ suit rather than a 6-card ♣ suit with an honor. 6♣ might make in a 6-2 fit but 6♠ wont be hot in a 5-2 fit and you'll never find a 6-2♣ fit if you don't bid them first.
7N is the contract, making if either ♠ or ♣ breaks 3-2 85% I think
Sarcasm is a state of mind
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