Rate this T/O DBL 8 hcp
Posted 2014-April-13, 15:56
Doubler's hand:
♠ void
♥ Q 9 7 6 5 4
♦ J 6 2
♣ A J 9 2
"imo by far in bridge the least understood concept is how to bid over a jump-shift
( 1M-1NT!-3m-?? )." ....Justin Lall
" Did someone mention relays? " .... Zelandakh
K-Rex to Mikeh : " Sometimes you drive me nuts " .
Posted 2014-April-13, 16:37
1 for imagination and creativity
"It's only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve problems without using violence!"
"Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say."
Posted 2014-April-13, 17:32
What is baby oil made of?
Posted 2014-April-13, 17:43
by passing. I am sure you would agree that your hand has almost none of
the requirements for defense so it is probably in your partnership best
interest to take another course of action. I would try pass:)
Posted 2014-April-13, 17:59
Posted 2014-April-13, 18:15
Posted 2014-April-13, 18:19
Posted 2014-April-13, 18:42
Posted 2014-April-13, 18:46
Posted 2014-April-13, 19:57
Posted 2014-April-14, 03:23
Posted 2014-April-14, 03:47

George Carlin
Posted 2014-April-14, 05:11
Since the likelihood of pass seems high, I would rate it as "risky". Something like 4/10 if you want a figure.
Usually the shorter you are in opps suit, the more urgent it is to act. But let's not take a good idea too far.
Posted 2014-April-14, 05:15
At least as important is that partner may start skewing their bids if they no longer know what to expect from your double, and that could lead to losing choices even on the hands where you have a normal takeout double and the normal action would have given you a good score.
Posted 2014-April-14, 05:16
It's a horrible double, 1/10
Posted 2014-April-14, 05:44
"It's only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve problems without using violence!"
"Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say."
Posted 2014-April-14, 08:54
Opps could make 4H, but ♥ were never mentioned.
I couldn't believe the T/O DBL ... but I wanted to make sure here .
"imo by far in bridge the least understood concept is how to bid over a jump-shift
( 1M-1NT!-3m-?? )." ....Justin Lall
" Did someone mention relays? " .... Zelandakh
K-Rex to Mikeh : " Sometimes you drive me nuts " .
Posted 2014-April-15, 22:12
A partnership needs to have some reasonable expectations about what partner has in competitive situations in order to be successful. As others have pointed out, this hand has no where near the defensive values required should partner pass.
Worse yet, should doubler's partner make a minimum advancing bid something like 3 ♦, doubler can't show the ♥ suit and could miss a 9 or 10 card ♥ fit.
My guess would be that this double was made by a novice player. If not, I'd rate the call H for Hopeless.
Posted 2014-April-16, 03:14