Brandal, on Feb 28 2005, 08:25 AM, said:
I'm curious as to how these AKQJ10987654321 numbers
from pay tourneys affect how people "think" when looking
for a partner.
Do they cause "bad social behavior" like a rating system
apparently does?
Do players avoid someone with a "1" and only ask the AKQJ
I should be very surprised if people seek partners based on the BBO Masterpoints (BBOMP) ratings.
The fact is most bbo players have never played in a pay tourney, so the majority will have no opportunity to obtain anything beside their name. Most still don't know what the symbols mean, or how to obtain them.
I believe many pay tourney players will prefer to play these with a favourite partner--why pay to play with random pickups if you have a favourite partner? If so, it will be likely the 2 players have approx. the same no. of BBOMP.
For normal club play, like I mentioned, most players don't have any weird symbol beside their name, and these symbols are only easily visible in lobby--if you are looking for a table to play, you can't see the symbols beside the names, unlike how you can see the stars.
So to answer your question, I will guess confidently that there is no effect.
But do these symbols affect negatively in other ways? I think yes. Sadly, I see an increase in the number of cheating claims when none exist--I don't know the technical term for this, so will just call it the jealousy effect! This is not only a major waste of time for those who investigate cheating claims, its also super irritating and sad. If cheating accus. is true, the BBOMP consideration is probably a very minor factor in the psyche of the cheaters; however, it is probably part of the equation.
So yeah, anyway, no bbo ratings please. There are other ways to tell standard of whoever you're playing with/against. 2 or 3 boards suffice in general. (If you can't tell after 2 or 3 boards what standard of your opponent is, it shouldn't matter as much to you, as one usually can tell if another is of a "lower" standard easily, but not the converse....)
Wonder if I'll get edited for this :-)
"More and more these days I find myself pondering how to reconcile my net income with my gross habits."
John Nelson.