I'll start first with Dustin's comment that the media is responsible for the distrust of GMOs. Not exactly true. The media IS responsible for reporting such things as Monsanto being found guilty of bribery and corruption. It reported accurately that Monsanto forced at least one farmer into bankruptcy although the farmer was eventually found not guilty of any wrongdoing. It is known to send people into farms and threaten farmers with doing the same to them, farmers who are operating perfectly legally, in at least one instance, in a seed cleaning business which was a third generation business. The media did not have to point out that for Monsanto, trespassing and stealing material is a standard business practice, it has been made abundantly clear from the court cases which have come up.
The "media" in terms of traditional reporting is not responsible for establishing that Monsanto is known to hire companies to watch for any mention of Monsanto and or GMOs and to respond to the comments, in many cases pretending to be people they are not and suggesting that they were forced to go the GMO route after repeated problems with non gmo crops. That was established by a "watchdog" company. I have run across a few of these people. In one case someone was claiming to be a permaculture teacher and what she was saying was all entirely untrue but might have sounded convincing to someone not familiar with the system.
They have successfully lobbied to be made at least temporarilly above the law in the U.S., in that it is for the time being, illegal to sue them, although they are free to use the courts however they please.
Scientists who have arrived at negative conclusions regarding GMOs and/or the chemicals which are integral to the production of GMO crops have been threatened with job loss unless they retract the findings, and preferably the whole study. This has happened to at least two I know of, a university scientist in NY who reported findings that cattle fed Roundup dessicated hay had much higher rates of abortion but also to the scientist who published results of feeding GMO corn to rats. Negative results are not widely publicised as then the grants which go to the institutions will be cut off. Many studies which were possibly pertinent to the question have "disappeared".
Years ago I ran across a Scottish study which showed that feeding gmo food to rats changed the bacteria in the gut, although at that point they were unsure what that might mean. I have been absolutely unable to find it again when I was looking to see how that fit in with a much later study in a different country which found bacterial changes in the gut to be a precursor to diabletes. The link was on a computer long gone.
There was another study done by a multinational scientific group around the same time which looked at Roundup and that family of chemicals in tomato production in Ontario. What they found was horrific, the claims of it being inert and harmless once it hit the soil were absolutely untrue and men who used it consistently in greenhouse work had a MUCH higher incidence of prostate cancer, while women had a much higher risk of miscarriage. There were also other health risks I don't now recall. To have such studies disappear is not unusual.
They refuse to allow GMO labelling because they know people do not want it. They refuse to allow/encourage independant and or long term studies (because they know/suspect the product in many cases cannot stand the scrutiny?). It seems to be impossible to track the former Monsanto scientists who left the company in dismay, saying that the downsides of GMO's outweighed whatever advantages they offered. The strong arm tactics they are known to use, put whatever positive spin on their products, including by people who have "seen the light" questionably credible, to say the least.
It has recently bought a company whose ONLY business is to supply mercenaries to whomever can afford to pay for them.(Well, ok, th media did report that.) Why does a company involved with the production of chemicals and GMOs involved with food production need a company of people whose only job is to intimidate, hurt or kill people?
These activities are not those of a company whose product so much better that we should give control over all food production to them. They are more like the Mafia trying to sell the idea that what they have is better for your health as if you don't go along with it your health will suffer (but not necessarilly from food).
Monsanto itself is responsible for 99.9% of the suspicion people have of GMO's because of their Mafia-like tactics, and that has nothing at all to do with the products.
I'll go on to that in another post or 5