has been suggested that these auctions could be forcing to 4NT. I am pretty skeptical about this given opener could just have a horrible misfit and presumably you'd want to make a 3♣ positive on KQJxxx and out, or at least AQJxxx and out. I see that at least one person does as mentioned here (http://www.bridgebas...oceed-with-this) but maybe Frances wouldn't make a positive on these? Or maybe I'm being too negative and/or 4nt is a doddle opposite those.
So my questions are I guess, (assuming you would make a positive on what I mentioned - and please say if you wouldn't) does anyone play such positives as forcing to 4NT? What about if opener makes a 3♦ enquiry over 3♣ I guess you'd be more likely to want to force to 4NT but still, perhaps opener is 4441 or something - can't really blame him/her for looking for a major suit fit, so I personally think 3NT is very passable. But I just want to see what others think.
Also, does anyone have nice methods after 2C-3S? We currently play (as suggested here) that 4C/H are forcing and natural, 4d/s are keycard and indeed 3nt is non forcing. But I was thinking that it might be nice to have either a 6 card keycard method, or at least some way to enquire about the major later. Obviously I could make something up but was hoping someone had a tried and trusted method here.
Sorry for the quite rambly post and thanks in advance to anyone who posts anything productive