What do you lead...
Posted 2005-February-02, 10:13
Posted 2005-February-02, 10:30
Posted 2005-February-02, 10:59
Posted 2005-February-02, 11:01
macaw, on Feb 2 2005, 04:59 PM, said:
Agree (except that partner should be the one who apologizes to you if a heart lead is not what he wanted).
Fred Gitelman
Bridge Base Inc.
Posted 2005-February-02, 11:03
Posted 2005-February-02, 11:30
Now that we have established that neither is standard, what do you think is more useful?
What would you lead without the double?
#8 Guest_Jlall_*
Posted 2005-February-02, 11:46
Posted 2005-February-02, 11:47
BTW, pd didn't have a chance to dbl 5H, which is bid by declarer, even if he has AKQ of hearts.
Posted 2005-February-02, 12:07
Jlall, on Feb 2 2005, 05:46 PM, said:
Even worse, they might call the director, and you might not be allowed to lead a heart against 6NT because of the UI from the out-of-turn double...
Posted 2005-February-02, 12:57
Posted 2005-February-02, 13:11
The auction sounds like a red herring to me. Whats 5♥? Is it an answer to blackwood accepting with a max? Or is it a suggestion of a strain?
Wouldn't be the least bit surprised to see pard with the ♥AK. And yes there are hands where they can run 12 tricks if we don't cash right away.
Posted 2005-February-02, 13:17
Posted 2005-February-02, 13:23
inquiry, on Feb 2 2005, 04:05 PM, said:
Pass - 1♣ - Pass - 1♥
Pass - 2N - Pass - 4NT
Pass - 5♥ - Pass - 6NT -
Dbl all pass...
What do you lead?
If 5H is natural, heart lead would be the wrong lead because it doesn't make sense to me. Where would declarer's heart loser go? It is a lightner double and it asks for either S or D lead I believe. So it's still a guess, but not heart.
If 5H is answering RKC, then heart would be a possible lead. Still, you should make sure what 5H means before you lead.
Posted 2005-February-02, 16:34
What is 4 nt? kvant or blackwood? and what is 5 !H? 3 cards or aces?
foole me twice, shame on me....!!
Posted 2005-February-02, 17:46
helium, on Feb 2 2005, 06:34 PM, said:
What is 4 nt? kvant or blackwood? and what is 5 !H? 3 cards or aces?
4Nt was apparently quantative, but responses, if not pass, shows aces.
Posted 2005-February-02, 18:11
Posted 2005-February-03, 03:13
The only problem about not leading a ♥ now is that partner will probably be squeezed, not that they can cash 12 tricks.
I voted for ♦ :-P, didn't see the double :-(.
Pass - 1♣ - Pass - 1♥
Pass - 2N - Pass - 4NT
Pass - 5♥ - Pass - 6NT -
Dbl all pass...
What do you lead?