When your opponents lose their poise at the table, strange and funny things can happen.
Playing in the 1st half of a KO semifinal, you and your pard are just putting the wood to two nice ladies with about triple the masterpoints you have.
You pick up on board 7: ♠Q9 ♥K ♦AQxxx ♣KT8xx. Red on white you open 1♦; 1♥ by pard, 2♣ by you, 3♥ invitational by pard.
Well I'm pushing this thing to game. But 3N may be more playable than 4♥, if pard has a spade stop, some cards in the minors and a marginal heart suit. So I try a 'scientific' 3♠.
Not the thing to do with this pard. 4♠ by Pard! WHAT! Didn't he hear my 2♣ call? Well, the 4-2 looks like it will be an interesting spot, and I can't see making 11 tricks of anything. I get the lead of a small spade and see:
Rats! Serves me right for messing around. 4♥ is excellent and I can't blame my pard for this one. I win the ♠Q, unblock the ♥K and get the 2 and 3 (std (and honest) count). Thats good news. Spade to the board, ducked again.
My 6 heart tricks are about to become DOA. In desparation, I try a 3rd round of spades...small, club from me, DUCK!!!!!!!!!!!
I about died. I start playing my hearts and my LHO who made a nice opening lead just turns white. She ruffs the heart with the A♠ and is now in the unbelievable position of being endplayed into giving me my 11th trick.
So there was 11 tricks here after all
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Funny hand from last night
Posted 2005-February-02, 13:37
Don't forget to congratulate pard on his excellent and well-judged 4S bid
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