I've been playing with a player whose style differs from my own. For instance, he doesn't like opening 1NT with a 5-card major, whereas I do routinely. Our latest divergence is that he recently said that he prefers not to open 1NT with a small doubleton major. As well as explaining the implications this had in terms of messing up the a rebid structure, I thought I'd make a small simulation to bring home the rarity of it being a problem.
Scenario: We open 15-17NT with a small doubleton spade. Partner does not bring a spade stop, and the opponents can cash the first five tricks in spades. I approximated this in code as this as partner's spades are at most Q/J high (but not both), and at least one opponent has 5 spades.
No restriction on responder's HCP: the opponents can cash five spades 25% of the time
(Responder is 10+: the opponents can cash five spades 9% of the time)
I then thought to drive home the point, I would compare for when opener has Jx or Qx
No restriction on responder's HCP: the opponents can cash five spades 27% of the time
(Responder is 10+: the opponents can cash five spades 4% of the time)
So, if I don't constrain responder's HCP, the opponents are *more* likely to be able to cash the first five in a suit that we hold Jx/Qx, compared to xx. This *must* be an error in my code, right? I've run a few times with the same result, so I don't think it is a sampling error...
My code (deal 3.18):
sdev nbalanced
sdev stopper
sdev oppsrun
main {
reject unless {[hcp north]>=15 && [hcp north]<=17}
reject unless {[balanced north]}
#1 reject unless {[hcp north spades]>0 && [hcp north spades]<=2 && [spades north]==2}
#2 reject unless {[hcp north spades]==0 && [spades north]==2}
nbalanced add [spades south]
reject unless {[hcp south spades]<=2}
stopper add [spades south]
reject unless {[spades east]>=5 || [spades west]>=5}
oppsrun add [spades south]
deal_finished {
puts "With small doubleton spade=[nbalanced count])"
puts "With no stopper=[stopper count]"
puts "opps can cash first 5=[oppsrun count]"