The contract is 4♥ by South.
Both opps are reasonable club players - BBO Advanced, let's say - RHO is more prone to flights of fancy than LHO if that's relevant.
The lead was a highish ♣ spot - likely to be from shortage by the look of it. I played small from dummy, RHO went in with the T, and I took the Ace.
I then took the ♦ finesse so as to try to get rid of my ♣ loser. Do you agree with this play?
The finesse lost, and a high ♣ was returned. LHO followed and the carding seemed to confirm the lead was a doubleton.
I won the ♣ in dummy, cashed 2 ♦ everyone following, and then led a high ♥ from dummy. Happy with that?
RHO played small, and LHO won with the Ace. She then had a little think, pulled a card out, put it back, had a little think and then pulled it out again and played it. It was a low ♠. What would you have played from dummy and why?
For whatever reason (and I can't really remember why I did it!) I played the Jack and RHO won with the Ace. He then played another High ♣. Assuming my reading of the ♣ situation was right (spoiler alert: It was), I figured, by vacant spaces, LHO was more likely to have the ♥T than RHO, so I ruffed high. Happy with that?
LHO discarded (I think a ♦), and when I played the ♥9, she followed with the last low ♥. Still going with my vacant spaces argument, I ran it, and it lost to ♥T. Should I have got this right, though? If so, what should my thought process have been?
LHO was something like ♠Qxxx ♥Ax ♦xxxxx ♣xx, and RHO ♠Axx ♥Tx ♦Kxx ♣QJTxx