Posted 2013-November-19, 15:52
Everything tells us that trump are not breaking. LHO has 7 hearts (I assume, given the vulnerability and the fact that with AQ10xxx and KJ10 in the round suits, 3♥ would be weird. Plus the decision to set up our club suit in dummy screams that he doesn't expect us to be able to enjoy the suit.
I am going to ignore 5-0 trumps
I ruff low and advance a low spade to dummy.
If RHO wins, he has no return... he must either return a trump or a diamond.
If a trump, I win the Ace, cash a diamond to dispose of the heart loser in dummy, and then draw trump and run the clubs.
If a diamond, I spurn the marked finesse: win the A, cash the spade A and proceed as above.
If RHO ducks, which is best defence, I am in dummy.
I lead the spade Q, and he can't afford to cover, so it holds. Now I abandon trump and run clubs until he ruffs in. I overruff, cash the diamond A and ruff a diamond to dummy. Both RHO and dummy have but one trump, and his is the boss....but I just run clubs and, if necessary, the heart K at him until he has to ruff.
This line ensures the contract against 4-1 or 3-2 trumps with the K onside. Since I have taken it as given that it is, I haven't given any thought to LHO winning the K, other than to feel that it can't really make any difference.
I was going to discuss the problems that arise should you cash the spade A before leading a low one, but they get a little complex, depending on the exact line taken, so merely leave it as being a bad idea, for reasons the interested reader can work out for himself or herself.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari