Flame, on Jan 28 2005, 06:27 AM, said:
The bidding goes like this
LHO Partner RHO You
♦ 1
♠ P 2D*
D 3C P ?
2D showed fit (3+ cards) and 10+ hcp , we dont have other bids to show different kind of suppoprt.
Double by LHO was natural.
3C by partner is probebly long suit trail bid.
If you want to invite with 3H choose 3D.
Call me an eternal optimist, but if I'm going to bid game, shouldn't I bid 4
♣? Partner could have AQxxx x Axx KQxx. No, he won't bid on over 4
♠ if that is all I bid.
PS I do have something more than I promised with my 2
♦ bid: a 4th trump. I think that is enough to accept the game try.