North led a small diamond, ducked to the K, and S switched to AK and another spade; after that I wrapped the rest of the tricks. I have no idea why south doubled. I didn't really consider 2♥, but I still think 2N is a better call because I am not worried about the diamond suit - I think 2N should show an upper-ranged 2♣ call with diamond and heart stoppers, which is what I have.
IMO 2N (Good hand) = 9, 2♥ (Asking for a ♥ stop or showing a good hand) = 9. 3♣ (Weaker) = 8, 3N = 7, Double (Asking for a ♦ stop or a showing good hand) = 6. Well done both of you.
North led a small diamond, ducked to the K, and S switched to AK and another spade; after that I wrapped the rest of the tricks. I have no idea why south doubled. I didn't really consider 2♥, but I still think 2N is a better call because I am not worried about the diamond suit - I think 2N should show an upper-ranged 2♣ call with diamond and heart stoppers, which is what I have.