for beginning players, the auction was ok.
Sometimes you end up in small slam, with AK in suit missing, happens, sometimes
it even makes. Take the plus / the overtricks, and move on.
You may of course reflect, how to avoid reaching the 6 level, when they can cash
2 top tricks.
The set of hands illustrates, that responder should go slower, if he has an opening
bid + a fit as well.
If Souths showes his spade suit, North enthusiams gets dampened whit his spade void.
With kind regards
My first slam Could it be grand slam?
Posted 2013-October-15, 03:27
Zelandakh, on 2013-October-14, 05:59, said:
It is quite possible that if the defender holding ♣A (and not the king) was on lead, they would lead it against a grand slam but not against a small slam. In this respect, 6 is better than 7 despite the "5 or 7" comments above.
OTOH a defender holding an unsupported king might lead the suit against a small slam but not against a grand.
The world would be such a happy place, if only everyone played Acol :) --- TramTicket