sathyab, on 2013-October-15, 15:12, said:
If RHO can win the first trick in a suit that we attack, he can always play back a ♣ and get a ruff, assuming there's a ruff available and that he can over-ruff dummy. So we have to play a ♦ and hope LHO wins it as RHO is likely to have length and strength in trumps. Playing a ♣ toward dummy is of course dangerous as LHO will win it and return the suit right away.
Playing a club towards dummy is dangerous not because LHO will return it, but because that's the setting trick
We have to judge how to play the red suits.
We can, I think, fairly assume that the red Aces are split and that the club K is offside.
If LHO holds the trump A, we need to play trumps now. We also need the heart J to come down so that if RHO wins the first diamond and switches to a club, we can get to dummy in hearts.
This means that we want hearts 2-2 or RHO to hold the stiff J.
Otoh, if we assume LHO has the diamond A, we lead a diamond now. Assume LHO wins...he will probably lead a diamond back. We are on dummy and must guess trump. We infer the A is on our right.
I would run the 9, since I think a 3-1 split is more probable than the a priori odds.
I say this because LHO made a dangerous and, as it happens, losing lead. With xx in trump and all side suits controlled, I think a trump lead stands out.
Even with Jx, we'd need a specific layout for the trump to be wrong: basically Qxxx in dummy and Axxxx in hand, with one of the hands holding the 10.
Otoh, leading a stiff trump is often very dangerous and is an unpopular lead choice. So that's what I'd play him for.
Add to this that if RHO has only 5 spades, I think holding Axx or AJx makes bidding more attractive since one is now almost assured of a stiff in dummy. If LHO holds a stiff non-Ace trump, then it is two to one it is an x.
So I lead the diamond J.
If LHO ducks, then I overtake in order to lead a heart to my K...having elected to lead a diamond, I am down if RHO holds the A, so this overtaking doesn't cost, and now I can cater to stiff J offside (and all 2-2 fits) because I can get to dummy by leading to the J of clubs twice.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari