MP's. Do you agree with the first action? What do you bid at this point? What do you expect partner to have? Would your answer to the last question change at a diferent vulnerability?
Rebid by doubler After a game bid by partner
Posted 2013-October-08, 19:22
MP's. Do you agree with the first action? What do you bid at this point? What do you expect partner to have? Would your answer to the last question change at a diferent vulnerability?
wyman, on 2012-May-04, 09:48, said:
rbforster, on 2012-May-20, 21:04, said:
My YouTube Channel
Posted 2013-October-08, 19:59
Posted 2013-October-08, 21:20
Posted 2013-October-09, 05:43
wyman, on 2012-May-04, 09:48, said:
rbforster, on 2012-May-20, 21:04, said:
My YouTube Channel
Posted 2013-October-09, 05:59
Posted 2013-October-09, 06:46
Posted 2013-October-09, 07:03
TylerE, on 2013-October-08, 21:20, said:
You can count 10 opposite that, you can't count 11.
I think partner shows a slightly better (in terms of offence) hand than that. Axxxxxx, (x, Kx), xxx is very much in the frame, but so is Axxxxx, xxx, x, KQJ. You are going to get a heart lead which may not be good news.
I would have overcalled 1♦ but it's very much a matter of style.
I think I pass 4♠, but would be tempted to go on.
Posted 2013-October-09, 07:06
ahydra, on 2013-October-09, 05:59, said:
... and I trust him to have done so for a reason. Clear pass.
Posted 2013-October-09, 14:15
Even then, bad policy to punish partner for taking an optimistic view with long spades and shape. They shut you down without a cue for a reason.
What is baby oil made of?
Posted 2013-October-10, 04:44
Posted 2013-October-11, 06:13
I'm probably passing the 4 ♠ bid, but not without some squirming. You have controls in all the outside suits, but not quite enough to be sure 5 ♠ is a reasonable contract.
Partner's 4 ♠ promises ♠s and little else -- wouldn't be surprised to see partner with ♠ Axxxxxx and out.
Another issue if you do proceed is what does a new suit bid mean, 5 ♦ here, after the 4 ♠ call. Is it a control bid in support of ♠ or showing the big ♦ overcall hand?
My take is that it should show the control. With the big ♦ hand you have to accept that partner's spade bid has preempted you out of showing the hand. Partner's long ♠s will still be worth something at a ♠ contract, but may not contribute anything at a ♦ contract.
In any case, it one of those things that need some partnership discussion.
Posted 2013-October-11, 07:13
Hanoi5, on 2013-October-09, 05:43, said:
2♣ followed by 4♠ (unless partner makes a bid that indicates a strong non-takeout double, such as a jump to a new suit.