Codo, on 2014-April-15, 08:16, said:
And about fanatics: Anybody who is fine with other point of views and other believes looks quite moderate to me. (And if I understood him right- to Rik too.)
This sort of thinking is prevalent in at least NA society. I think that the idea sounds fine but of course it is like the bible...nobody can live by this credo. Some beliefs are so harmful to others that we should not tolerate those who actively promote them, nor should we be 'fine' with anyone who both holds and acts on them.
Here are some points of view with which I am not fine....and I can't imagine that you are:
a) it is ok for an adult man to sexually express his love and affection for pre-pubescent children
b) it is ok for a major religious organization to shelter and protect child molesters in its employ, while ignoring the victims unless forced by lawsuits to do otherwise
c) it is ok to beat up gays simply because they are gay
d) it is ok to discriminate against women because they are supposed to be inherently subordinate to god dictated in the bible and the Koran
e) it is ok to discriminate against people because of their skin colour, or sexual orientation or identity
f) it is ok to have ritual human sacrifice (ok, so this one isn't real...I hope)

I am sure we could quickly come up with other examples.
There are countless more issues on which I agree that one should not get worked up about, and I confess that I fail on some of those, as evidenced by a number of my posts here. However, I would far rather see someone get pissed off at me and take me on in heated debate because they are as passionate as am I than have everyone adopt the attitude that only fanatics get passionate about anything...that the sophisticated, intelligent moderate affords ALL belief systems equal rights.
I don't mean to imply that I think that Roland or Rik would disagree with me on those factors, btw. I will venture to say that I am sure they would not tolerate people who lived by those beliefs.
Meanwhile, and without resiling from the substance of the arguments I have made, I do regret and hereby apologize, not only to the posters I have directly annoyed, but also to the other readers, for the manner in which I have sometimes written. I have become annoyed at what I perceived on occasion to be distortions of my arguments, set up as straw men to allow for rebuttal, but I accept that my perceptions probably reflected the difficulties inherent in forum posting. We lose all nuance. I tell witnesses in my cases that the written word is a very limited means of communication: body language, tone of voice, tempo of speaking, facial expression all convey a huge amount of information, to the point that one can say one thing while being clearly understood to mean another...but when that is reduced to written form, as in a transcript, only the actual words used are apparent.
So too I suspect that I have read into other's posts things they did not mean to convey, and I can tell from some of the responses that others have read into mine thoughts or attitudes that I did not mean...let me stress: having reread my posts I can see how that would terms of my posts, the fault was mine, not the reader's. So I apologize to all. I can't promise it won't happen again, but I will try harder. That doesn't mean that my underlying views of reality are not as I have described them, but it does mean that I have a far greater awareness of my own fallibility, and of the intelligence, morality and ethics of others than might appear from my more inflammatory posts.