Do you have ANY clue as to how silly you sound?
There is nothing wrong with the questions, other than the fact that you obviously aren't at all interested in finding answers to them or accepting, as so many of us have tried to tell you, that THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH NOT KNOWING ALL THE ANSWERS!!!!!!!!
Do you accept that the earth orbits the sun?
Do you have any idea how that was worked out, despite thousands of years of cultural certainty that the sun revolved around the earth?
Copernicus proposed it.
Galileo did observations that persuaded him this was so
Kepler observed and assumed that all planetary orbits were circular
None of these had any idea WHY planets orbited
Newton saw that the orbits were eliptical and came up with the theory of gravity, and I assume you believe in gravity?
Hold your arm out to one side: does it feel heavy? You probably think that you are using your muscles to resist the 'force' of gravity.
You're wrong.
You're actually using your muscles to accelerate your arm in relation to curved space-time: that was one of Einstein's discoveries: what we experience as gravity is curvature in space-time.
How much of this did you already know? How much of this do you think you understand?
Unless you already knew this, you are a scientific illiterate.
Being scientifically illiterate means you aren't equipped to even try to understand the 'answers' to your questions. Indeed, the manner of posing your questions demonstrates that you really are almost completely ignorant of basic facts about the world and the universe.
'Debating' with you is a waste of time. The topics that you think, no doubt with utter assurance, you grasp (such that you think you have 'scored points' with these ever-so-smart questions) are so far beyond your imagination that the answers would be meaningless if described in the short space of even a long post.
You will no doubt think, triumphantly, that I am ducking your questions because you have 'nailed me'. Nothing could be further from the truth. I have already told you of 3 books, by title and author, that will give you a good overview of what intelligent, informed experts think of the general topic of the origin of the universe. And as you ahve been repeatedly told, but obviously can't begin to understand, THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH NOT AS YET KNOWING!!!
Far more to the point: you are guilty of an astounding fallacy. You think the fact that experts can't answer the ultimate question entitles you to assert, with plausibility, that 'god did it'.
While many people far more intelligent than you have written to similar effect (refuting the underlying argument), I specifically refer you to the Deutsch book I identified in my last post.
Let me know when you have read it (btw, don't take offence if I gently quiz you if, withing the next week, you claim you read it).
Until then, please try to avoid further exposing your profound ignorance. There is nothing wrong with being ignorant, but when one learns that one is, or probably is, ignorant, and you are offered an easy way out of ignorance, then a refusal to do so isn't an act of ignorance is an act of stupidity.
So which is it? Are you merely ignorant or are you also stupid? You can demonstrate which it is very easily.
I know where the smart money would bet