4/5 card majors depending on vulnerability
Posted 2013-October-06, 06:01
George Carlin
Posted 2013-October-06, 10:03
Posted 2013-October-07, 16:51
Posted 2013-October-08, 07:08
Zelandakh, on 2013-October-07, 16:51, said:
Sure but opening a weak NT is not so interesting (it has indeed been done a lot before) and it comes at other costs (missing 4-4 fits, making it difficult to show a strong NT in competition, etc). Getting this KQTx in the bidding is quite attractive don't you think?
George Carlin
Posted 2013-October-08, 07:59
gwnn, on 2013-October-08, 07:08, said:
Then don't you upgrade the suit to a 5-card suit and hope?

Posted 2013-October-09, 05:24
Posted 2013-October-09, 07:11
a) I suspect strong+4 is pretty good 1st NV at MP, but that weak+5 is better 1st NV at IMPs.
b) I would sooner play strong+5 than strong+4 or weak+5 when 2nd NV, there's just so much less gain to preempting in 2nd.
c) Strong+4 isn't an easy system to play well. For a start, you really need methods to divide 1S:2S into two ranges.
d) I'd sooner just play a better, more aggressive system than strong+5 at all positions+vuls. You are probably aware that my two favourite systems are both based on a 14-16 NT; one opens 1D on all 11-13 NTs, the other opens four-card heart suits on 11-13 NTs. While neither of these methods can match the Hacketts or the mini-NT brigade for aggression, I'd back them to get most of it back in other areas, even just looking at 1st NV openings. Having said that, Wank and I do play an 11-13 NT 1st NV [all 14-16 NTs open 1D].
Posted 2013-October-09, 07:30
MickyB, on 2013-October-09, 07:11, said:
Obviously in that scenario it is better to open 1♣ with 14-16 and 1♦ with 17-19.
The reason is that you can handle a 0+ 1NT response over 1♦ via a two way 2♣ relay (natural or Mexican) - responder passes that with 0-5 with 5+ clubs, thereby getting you out of 1♦, but if you hold 14-16bal nothing really works.
Posted 2013-October-09, 07:44
PhilKing, on 2013-October-09, 07:30, said:
The reason is that you can handle a 0+ 1NT response over 1♦ via a two way 2♣ relay (natural or Mexican) - responder passes that with 0-5 with 5+ clubs, thereby getting you out of 1♦, but if you hold 14-16bal nothing really works.
My methods allow the 17-19 NT to frequently stop low; For example, in 1NT when responder has no major, or in 2M when we have a 4-4 fit. Is this possible if you switch the ranges? It seems far from obvious that it is better to do so. Even if we concluded it was, it fits with my philosophy of not wanting to play completely different systems and different conditions, given how clear-cut it is that opening 1D with 11-13 NT and 1C with 17-19 NT is better than the other way around

Posted 2013-October-09, 08:06
MickyB, on 2013-October-09, 07:44, said:

Sure - the 17-19 can stop. After all, I have three ways of raising the major to two after opening 1♣.