Really ? When pd bids a suit at 4 level the first time in a competitive auction do we need 4+ cards to raise him ? 3 cards ? 2 cards ? Stiff honor ? Hx ?
Since when we started to risk our ability to play 4 major, in our 10 card fit ? And for what ? What is the gain ? We don't even know what is the best lead for our side! Hell we don't even know if they are gonna bid 4
♠ or not.
I am very well aware that there are hands which your side will benefit more than them by bidding 4
♦ but be aware that there are also hands where they will benefit more.
What is 3
♠ ? Preemptive or limit ? Why would i allow LHO to bid 4
♥ cue, which will be a vital bid in some hands for them, when opener has a giant, not neccesarilly in hcp but in shape or combined. I said 4
♥ can be a vital bid for opener, because they are not in FP auction, even if 3
♠ is limit and not weak. Why would i allow opener to double 4
♦ to express something in their agreement, when their options are reduced over 4
But my opinions about whether it is good to show the lead or not in this hand is irrelavant. However, if you are really in a fancy contest and wanna put your signature on the outcome of the result by showing
♦ lead, bid 4
♥ and ...
a- If they do not bid 4
♠ or double you in 4
♥, or simply sit on 4
♥ then it is a win because you did not give them any info that might help them to judge better, when pd would not use it all, since he is not allowed to lead at the same time he is declaring, You did not risk to play a funny
♦ suit at 4 level. You did not risk coming to 5 level when pd raises you in diamonds and you returning to 5
♥ when they were about to double you in 4
b-If they bid 4
♠ it is still much better than direct 4
♦ You will always have your turn again to fancy if you want to. . You just showed heart fit and then showed the lead when they bid 4 spade. You did not give them i navigator by broadcasting your shape if they bid 5
♠. Then again, keep in mind it is not hard to construct hands where
♦ lead can be fatal, or can be good lead which failed because while we thought we helped pd, we were not able to see he led his stiff and thought he led because we told him to.
I don't even know why we are arguing for a bid, which is natural and usually denies
♥ fit unless 4
♦ is forcing and we are sure that they will bid 4
♠ and we will never be let to play 4
♥...Fancy syndrome