Board #6
Dealer: East
Vul: EW
The Scene: 1-session weekly MP pairs @ a local club in Ahmedabad,India WITHOUT SCREENS.
EW were KNOWN to play a Strong Club System. East Opened 1C which was not alerted. south bid 2C in tempo & North when asked the meaning of 2C asked what system OPPs were playing & when informed Strong Club, said 2C was NATURAL & the bidding proceeded thusly:
1C 2C P 2D
2N P 3N P
This was the deal:
E : S - KJX, H - AX, D - AKX, C- QJXX
S : S - AQXXX, H - KXXXX, D - XX, C - X
W : S - X, H - 10XX, D - QXXX, C- KXXXX
N : S - 10XXX, H - QJX,, D - JXXX, C - AX
3N was not exactly a thing of beauty & after South led a heart to North's J, ducked by Declarer & a Spade switch by North, 3N ended -6.
the Score: +600 to NS & 100% MP Score.
EW called the Director as they felt they were damaged. The Director after hearing what had transpired at the table ruled that the table result should stand.
I seek your opinion & advice re. the above incident in the light of the following:
(A) EW clearly ERRED in not following the ALERT procedure. But, the Director did not establish what the NS methods were over OPPs' Strong Club & Natural 1C.
In case they were playing the same methods, clearly this is a case of MIS-INFORMATION.
In case they were playing that over 1C-NAT, 2C is Michaels & over 1C-Strong 2C is NAT then there is no MIS-INFORMATION.
Both EW & NS are a fairly regular outfit by Club Standards. Do EW have a case after their PROCEDURAL FAILURE to ALERT. Are they DAMAGED or DAMNED !
(B) What do you think of North's 2D bid when he had alternatives of Pass & 3C available.
North, by the way, by his own admission was aware (a) that OPPs were playing Strong Club;
(b) of the ALERT procedure failure & 2C bid in tempo by his partner who had not inquired of the 1C bid.
© whether ACTIVE ETHICS has a role here & demands of South to lead a D based on pard's 2D Call? or lead a Club, perhaps?
(by this time South was aware of North's explanation as NO SCREENS were in use & all verbal exchanges were AUDIBLE to all concerned at the table).
Regards & Many Thanks