mikeh, on 2013-September-15, 19:47, said:
I'm ruffing in dummy, and ruffing a diamond to lead a spade up.
If LHO plays low, I hook (I am playing him not to rise with Ax(x) in spades.
Hooking the spade is a serious error.
From the bidding and play it is unlikely that West has a 4 card major or a major suit void, in which case (I think) you can not make anyway.
Assuming this is not the case going up with the
♠K can not loose.
Win the spade king and assuming East follows just ruff the next spade with the trump ace.
Play a heart to the king and feed opponents spades.
Unless East can ruff with the jack overruff East.
If West ruffs and plays a club, discard a diamond from dummy.
Nobody can stop you from enjoying your spades.
Assume West shows out on the second spade.
If he ruffs he makes your life easy. You will discard a diamond on the club continuation go to the kinng of hearts, ruff a spade with the trump ace and return to the queen to enjoy your spades. This looses only if West has a singleton in both majors.
So assume West discards on the second spade. Win and play the jack of spades.
a) If West covers, trump with the ace and play as above
b) If West plays low, discard a club and the play continues similarly, whether West ruffs or not. If West continues clubs discard a diamond, win the next trick in hand, go to the king of hearts, ruff a spade with the trump ace and go to the queen of hearts, enjoying your spades.
Rainer Herrmann