rmnka447, on 2013-September-15, 01:03, said:
In some of my partnerships, we play that after a 1 NT-2 ♣-2 ♦ Stayman sequence, a 3 ♣ bid shows either a forcing hand with a ♣ suit or is a forcing minor suit checkback hand.
Another common way of handling this is to play 1NT - 2
♣; 2
♦ - 2
♠ as a Baron range ask. That is, it asks Opener if they are min or max (hence usually a natural 2NT rebid) and if max, also that they bid their lowest 4 card suit. If Opener bids 2NT (min) then Responder can bid a 4 card minor instead. This would allow the club fit to be found at the 3 level if South thinks the hand worth a slam try. The disadvantages of the method are allowing a free lead-directing double of 2
♠ and exposing more about Opener's hand sometimes when this was not necessary.
Basically I agree with Fluffy here though. Within the methods being used, noone did anything wrong. These kind of minor suit slams where the fit never comes to light happen all the time.