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#1 User is offline   eagles123 

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Posted 2013-September-09, 08:02


Lead is 9 of Hearts, how best to play?


The full hand:



"definitely that's what I like to play when I'm playing standard - I want to be able to bid diamonds because bidding good suits is important in bridge" - Meckstroth's opinion on weak 2 diamond

#2 User is offline   mgoetze 

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Posted 2013-September-10, 01:56

First of all, even if North does have a singleton heart, that would also make it quite probable that he has 3 or more trumps, and thus any ruff would cost him a trump trick. So there's really no reason to be scared of a ruff and at matchpoints then absolutely mandatory to play the Q on trick one.

Secondly, if you're playing for the K in South, you might as well run the J, there is not much to be gained by overtaking with the Q.
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#3 User is offline   eagles123 

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Posted 2013-September-11, 04:51

Thanks mgoetze very useful. I can see that I should play QH at trick one that does make sense now. The reason I played Diamonds that way is because I thought I had a heart loser, a spade loser and 2 club losers so if I played the J even if it held the trick how would I play Diamonds for no losers with only trumps as entry to hand.

J diamond low low low
spade to the ace
ace diamond
diamond ruff
then how do i get rid of the last losing diamond? ruff a Heart high? that could then give defense an extra spade trick if they have say QJx in north?

whereas if I overtake J with Q i don't have that problem if the K is with south?


"definitely that's what I like to play when I'm playing standard - I want to be able to bid diamonds because bidding good suits is important in bridge" - Meckstroth's opinion on weak 2 diamond

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