Too strong for Garbage Stayman?
Posted 2013-September-06, 01:10
♠J87 ♥J972 ♦KJ972 ♣8
The Bridge Guys reckon 0-7pts no matter what NT range you play.
It worked out well (68%) this time but I was wondering if the forum thought this was a bit too strong, especially at MPs where being in 1NT with 21HCP has lots going for it?
As always, thanks in advance for your thoughts,
PS I'm aware that in this case I also risked a poor 4:3 spade fit as well.
Posted 2013-September-06, 03:15
George Carlin
Posted 2013-September-06, 03:20
"Garbage" Stayman is not always used to "run" from 1NT. Often a 4-4 fit will play a trick better, in particular when you have shortness. At MPs, I would rather score 140 then 120. Sure, you are slightly unhappy when partner bids 2♠, but even then it is still possible that opener has 5 spades or that you can get club ruffs for more tricks than the notrumpers.
Obviously there are no guarantees, but I think it is the percentage thing to do.
The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds the new discoveries, is not “Eureka!” (I found it!), but “That’s funny…” – Isaac Asimov
The only reason God did not put "Thou shalt mind thine own business" in the Ten Commandments was that He thought that it was too obvious to need stating. - Kenberg
Posted 2013-September-06, 08:37
I disagree with one little point in Rik's post. We ARE running from 1NT; we believe a suit contract will score better. That doesn't necessarily mean fright --and the fact that I have this 6-count rather than some zero-five really didn't matter.
Posted 2013-September-06, 10:00
However over 2♥ I would invite at imps but pass at mp's expecting a really good score for +170 and a goose egg for down 1.
What is baby oil made of?
Posted 2013-September-06, 16:32
Posted 2013-September-06, 16:57
Posted 2013-September-06, 17:35
aguahombre, on 2013-September-06, 08:37, said:
It's obviously a matter of semantics, but I think that with this hand we are not running from 1NT, we are walking away from it with our head up.
We run if we are on the brink of disaster. We walk calmly to score 140 instead of 120. Those are two entirely different things.
The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds the new discoveries, is not “Eureka!” (I found it!), but “That’s funny…” – Isaac Asimov
The only reason God did not put "Thou shalt mind thine own business" in the Ten Commandments was that He thought that it was too obvious to need stating. - Kenberg
Posted 2013-September-07, 00:40
Posted 2013-September-07, 13:05
Endymion77, on 2013-September-06, 16:39, said:
Yeh, my better half agrees with you. She doesn't want to look for magic after happily finding a suit.
Posted 2013-September-10, 03:49
Posted 2013-September-10, 13:49
Posted 2013-September-11, 07:44
SimonFa, on 2013-September-10, 11:52, said:
I usually try to use Exit Stayman and Crawling Stayman, since the term Garbage Stayman is used in different circles to refer to both.
Posted 2013-September-11, 08:20
Zelandakh, on 2013-September-11, 07:44, said:
LOL I don't know what any of those terms means!
Posted 2013-September-11, 16:41
Vampyr, on 2013-September-11, 08:20, said:
ZEL is like 32519 in a way. The difference is ZEL has X 10000 more knowledge about the game, X 10000 more skills, X 1000000000 less annoying (if annoying at all, to me he is not) then the other.

"It's only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve problems without using violence!"
"Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say."
Posted 2013-September-11, 18:39

Posted 2013-September-11, 19:48
Posted 2013-September-12, 06:34
MrAce, on 2013-September-11, 16:41, said:
I agree lol! Perhaps a mix of 32519 and kenrexford; with a pinch of TWO4BRIDGE and Cyberyeti thrown in? I suspect that all of the posters that are more focused on bidding than card play annoy some readers from time to time. I am certain that I am no exception to that.
As for the mysterious terms, Exit Stayman is where you bid Stayman and pass - "short club Stayman" as it was decsribed earlier in the thread. Crawling Stayman (aka Creeping Stayman) is one of more of the following:-
1NT - 2♣; 2♦ - 2♥ = both majors, weak
1NT - 2♣; 2♦ - 2♥ = hearts and another suit, weak
1NT - 2♣; 2♦ - 2♠ = spades and a 5+ card minor, weak
One of the potential advantages of playing your 2♥ = both majors as "never longer spades" rather than "never longer hearts" is that you can get away with the second of these over the first. If partner prefers spades to hearts then you take out into the longer minor instead. The last one is something I have never actually seen played in reality but is often given as part of the convention "completing the set" of weak takeouts.