My question is how to process all the information, to make myself clear ill ask a simpler question first and answer it.
The question -
Having AKQxx vs xxx
What do you do.
On my eary days of bridge i would play the A, the count 4 out 6 i got 3 left.
The lead the K, 8 out 4 i got 1 left...
Today i dont do it this way, from the begging i know the suit will be 3-2 or 4-1 or 5-0 , i play the A then the K and if non showed up i know it was 3-2 and know one is left out. Now to the more serious question
I was playing 7S with these hands, left lead a club, now im starting to play my trumps, and they discard and i need to follow all the details, so at the right momoent ill know how many card left of each suit, to know wather im going for a squeeze or a finnese or the clubs are just good.
How do you orgenize those things when you play, do you just play all the cards and at trick 11 stop and start counting all that happend, or you maybe before u play the forst spade you know how many clubs are out and begin to count how many are left when they discard.
Sorry that this isnt so clear and maybe unanswerable, but in my opinion this is more importent then know your card combinations or your trump cups and special squeezes, and i hope to get some ideas.