Lord Molyb, on 2013-November-20, 11:53, said:
I note that this hand makes 7
♠S, 7
♣E, 6
♥N/S, 6
♣ W, 6
♦W, 5
♦E, but I find most of them hard to bid.
Probably a fit-jumper's dream though

it would help to know who was dealer, since 3 players have opening bids.
However, hands that depend on each player holding a void and both sides holding a double fit aren't interesting to me, from a real life perspective. While these hands can arise (I once saw a 13 table section in which every single score was 1660.....roughly half the NS players were plus 1660 in 6
♠ doubled and the rest were -1660 defending 6
♥ doubled), you will play a lot of bridge before encountering one, and often times the auction ends up being sort of random.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari