The first thing, was to create a algorithm, which shows the strength of a specific BBO-player. That was really hard, but the result is really ok.
The main point is, that every board has to be evaluated, not only the result of a tourney.
Therefore, for a f.e. 8-Board tournament with 100 tables, 800 single boards have to be evaluated. As the algorithm is a little bit complicated, and also recursive, this takes some seconds.
So i decided, to evaluate only some specific tournaments a day. ( to see the list of tourneys, which are evaluated: ).
Every day, the database is being updated.
At this moment, the database contains more than 70.000 BBO-Nicks, and an individual rating for each player, the "BIBO-Zahl". (more than 3 Million boards have been evaluated until now).
All ratings are shown in a table, including the last 4 results for every player.

As i decided, to allow every player, to enter his personal data, including a picture, a log-in is needed, but as you can log in with your BBO-Nick, this doesn't seem to be a big problem,
as you can also log in without a password, if you like. When you enter the first time, we will send you password A.S.A.P which you can use from this moment on, if you like. (to enter f.e. personal data).
Also a message-system has been integrated, so every player can send a message to every other BBO-Player, using
3 month ago, i decided to integrate the so-called "cup-hunting".
Every player, who raises his BIBO-Rating for 100 or more points in ONE tournament, gets a virtual cup, for his own virtual cupboard.
Many players like this very much, especially weaker players, because, they didn't get a cup before, for good results in a bridge-tournament.
The site is available in 2 languages: English and German (as i live in Germany)
Every BBO-Player is invited, to visit this site, many help-files will help to understand, how this all works. A little statistic module is also integrated.
The "normal" use of this program, is to open it, and if you´ll get an invitation to a tournament from an unknown player, search for the BIBO-Zahl for this player,
and you can decide within seconds, if you would like to play with him, or not. So you don't need to trust him, if he´s an expert (f.e.). is of course 100% free to use. (a little Bridge-articles-shop is integrated)
If you have any suggestions, or questions, just ask (by mail:, or by BBO-message to UPSman).