Posted 2013-July-24, 12:30
The reason this is an 'oft-times bidding dilemma' is that sequences in which opener rebids 2♣ in these auctions are very poorly explored in standard methods.
Many experienced partnerships have developed methods here. It is fairly common, when playing such methods, to use 2♦ as an artificial bid. In my partnerships it doesn't deny diamonds, but it certainly doesn't show them either: it merely keeps the auction alive while denying the ability to make other, natural bids.
Thus I could rebid 2♥ with 6+ in the suit, non-forcing, range constrained by whether we play weak jump shifts...if so, then I would usually hold more than the wjs, altho one would want to know whether one would wjs with 4=6 majors.
2♠ would be natural, and a gf reverse for me.
2N would be invitational.
3♦ would be a splinter, as would 3♠. 3♥ would be invitational with a good(ish) 6+ suit
and so on. Thus 2♦ is a catch all for hands that don't fit elsewhere, including game force hands with good hearts, or red 2 suiter or a non-splinter club gf raise, etc
I am not trying to peddle any particular solution. I am merely explaining that these auctions are always going to cause problems in partnerships that haven't developed a solution.
My take on it is that in a partnership between average or better players, opener should always view a 2♦ call as ambiguous and, since it is a change of suit, a one-round force.
Btw, I agree with all who criticize the 2♣ call. I would raise hearts if playing a method in which the raise could be based on 3 card support (iow, if playing a standard method, but many weak notrumpers would require 4 card support). Absent that ability, I would rebid 1N.
As it is, I recommend 2♦ by East. He'll hear a 2♥ response and, based on the double fit, he can decide whether to merely invite game or bid 4♥... I'd definitely bid game at imps but there is some justification, imo, for conservatism at mps, since we can expect some risk of being tapped in spades... and partner doesn't have to have a heart honour: playing a 5-3 fit with xxx opposite KJxxx, and the long suit probably getting tapped early is no way to make a living.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari