Crash defensive convention
Posted 2013-July-23, 13:42
Posted 2013-July-23, 13:55
Versions of CRASH over a natural 1NT opening are likely to be illegal, since at least one call in addition to double and 2C will show a 2-suiter with no known suit.
All this assumes that by CRASH you refer to a set of three overcalls that show respectively 2-suiters of the same colour, same rank or same shape, such as (over a strong 1C), Double is S+C or H+D, 1D is S+H or C+D, 1NT is S+D or H+C - there are many variations on the theme.
Posted 2013-July-23, 14:00
again 1nt : no
Posted 2013-July-23, 14:40
Posted 2013-July-23, 14:56
Posted 2013-July-23, 15:05
Posted 2013-July-23, 18:35
Posted 2013-July-23, 21:23
The obvious fix is to use 2D=majors 2NT=minors, along with an ambiguous X and 2C -- "Chasm" if double is red-or-black, "Scum" if double is pointed-or-round.
Posted 2013-July-24, 02:05
TylerE, on 2013-July-23, 14:40, said:
does crash count as "constructive"?
Posted 2013-July-24, 17:16
jeffford76, on 2013-July-23, 15:30, said:
But I assumed they advertise them as being run under the GCC, and the dispensation is what allows this difference; so a reference to the GCC in that part of the ACBL means something different. If they actually document that they're running their events under this "relaxed" variant of the GCC, then I take back what I said.
aguahombre, on 2013-July-23, 18:35, said:
I don't have ACBL's district map memorized; California is on the opposite coast, I don't have much need to concern myself with district boundaries there. I went along with it because it sounded plausible (it's the ACBL, so anything is possible), and I saw no need to personally verify it.
Posted 2013-July-24, 18:35
barmar, on 2013-July-24, 17:16, said:
I don't know what parts of California actually have liberal NT defenses. I regularly play in Oregon, where they have the same rules, and flyers contain language like this (taken from the upcoming Seaside Regional), "Mid-chart Conventions: Allowed in all stand alone Flight A/AX events and top bracket of Knockout Teams (excluding Compact KOs). Midchart defenses to the opponents’ 1NT are allowed in all events."
Posted 2013-July-24, 18:58
As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
Our ultimate goal on defense is to know by trick two or three everyone's hand at the table. -- Mike777
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2013-July-24, 20:45
District 20
D20 covers Oregon, Northern California including SF, and most of Nevada except the Las Vegas area.
Posted 2013-July-25, 08:47
The GCC is what it is. The conditions of contest state whether Mid-Chart items are permitted in some of their events. They are not changing the GCC for their tournament.
Posted 2013-July-25, 17:01
TylerE, on 2013-July-24, 20:45, said:
District 20
D20 covers Oregon, Northern California including SF, and most of Nevada except the Las Vegas area.
D20 covers Oregon, Hawaii, Guam, far northern California NOT including SF, some small part of southern washington, and Boise/Nampa Idaho. No part of Nevada is in D20 now that Reno changed districts.
Posted 2013-July-25, 18:01