MP, robot tourney, best hand South
What do all y'all think of West's 2C bid? Sure, the 1C opener only promises 3+, and (personal feelings aside), this is not disturbed by the 1H rebid. But it does not deny extra Clubs and instinctively I would have thought that the likelihood of extra Clubs with South to be sufficient to render a vul 2C overcall on West's hand to be a risk too far.
As regards the play, 6 pairs made 2C and 6 pairs were defeated, after the same auction and lead of DK.
Is there any point in reporting poor card play by GIB? I sort of get the impression that its card play engine is cast in stone. It runs a load of sims and does its own thing. So "bug" reports in this forum tend to focus on the "rule-based" aspects of bidding, that are under the programmer's control. Anyway, for what it is worth I thought that my CHO GIB sitting North defended poorly here and should know better.
I allowed North to win the DK, which resulted in a trump switch. Dummy played low and my King won (maybe ducking would have worked out better).
A few other South's found themselves in the same position and at this point cashed DA and then switched to SQ, after which defeating it is fairly trivial.
I decided to switch to SQ before cashing DA. I still think that this is slightly better play. I certainly don't think that it should have cost.
Declarer won and led D7, and CHO North COVERED with J, crashing my Ace. Which declarer should have known I held, in my opinion. Would declarer really duck the first round and then underlead the Ace with singleton in dummy?
If GIB plans its play and defense on simulations, it must have run only about 3 or 4 sims here.