I'd overcall 1♦. We're unlikely to compete beyond the three-level, and we're just as likely to have a diamond fit as a heart fit.
Having bid 1♦, I don't see the point of 2NT. If partner is 3=2 in the reds, he won't bid 3♥. He's probably not 2=3, because he would already have supported diamonds. If he's 2=2, anything we do will be a disaster. So if I'm going to bid I may as well bid 3♥ directly. Partner may look a bit puzzled, but he can't really do anything except pass it.
But anyway, why would I want to bid anything? I don't like defending at the two-level when I've got some shape and some points, but this hand has warning signs all over it. Partner's most likely shape is 3325, and I know he has high cards in spades and probably clubs. I have Ax of their trump suit, whereas our likely trump suit is headed by the nine. I have no diamond pips, so even opposite Kx I'll probably need a ruff to get the suit going. One of our spade winners may get ruffed. Against 2♠ I'll be happy to ruff one of RHO's clubs, whereas in three of a red suit I really don't want to be made to ruff anything in hand. If partner has the wrong hand or the trumps don't break I'll probably get doubled. The more I think about it the less I want to bid.
Overcall, please Choice between the reds
Posted 2013-July-24, 01:36
... that would still not be conclusive proof, before someone wants to explain that to me as well as if I was a 5 year-old. - gwnn
Posted 2013-July-28, 19:15
This reminds me of the time that I held this hand (I was white however):
A, 8xxxx, Jx, 9xxxx
Partner passed and then RHO opened 1♣ and I overcalled 1♥. Partner now rams me into game which made. I was later asked why I didn't bid 2nt, I replied "If I show both suits he won't know which suit I want him to lead!"
A, 8xxxx, Jx, 9xxxx
Partner passed and then RHO opened 1♣ and I overcalled 1♥. Partner now rams me into game which made. I was later asked why I didn't bid 2nt, I replied "If I show both suits he won't know which suit I want him to lead!"
Posted 2013-December-02, 07:27
PhilKing, on 2013-July-20, 03:56, said:
2♥ - hearts and a minor. I like playing two-level bids as Multi Landy (as if they had opened 1NT). But this is only legal if a club could show two.
You can get around this to some extent with the method I sometimes post:
2♣ = weak jump overcall in a major; or ♠ + ♦, strong
2♦ = wjo
2♥ = majors, weak
2♠ = ♠ + ♦, weak
2NT = ♥ + ♦, weak or strong
3♣ = majors, strong
It does mean committing to the 3 level with the red suits but in return you reclaim a wjo in diamonds.
(-: Zel :-)