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New Hand Please bid
Posted 2013-July-19, 08:38
1D P P 2H AP?
"And no matter what methods you play, it is essential, for anyone aspiring to learn to be a good player, to learn the importance of bidding shape properly." MikeH
“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, f–k off!” Anders Vistisen
“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, f–k off!” Anders Vistisen
Posted 2013-July-19, 09:10
Posted 2013-July-19, 22:13
Thank you, jillybean and Cyberyeti! Really like Cyberyeti's auction>
Posted 2013-July-20, 02:15
Posted 2013-July-20, 07:09
I don't understand how the auction proceeds with your "no thanks" hand after I open 1♦.
Posted 2013-July-21, 09:57
Posted 2013-July-21, 21:37
Can you give a complete auction, assuming it's not 1♦-1♠-4♠, which seems unrealistic?
Posted 2013-July-22, 00:23
inquiry, on 2013-July-21, 22:08, said:
This is the beginner/novice forum, so let's don't get involved in opening West hand with 1NT and a singleton, or having East respond to a 1♦ bid with his blizzard.
So West will open 1♦ and south will balance back with 1♥ (jilly, the number of hearts is ok for 2♥ but the hand is not strong enough). West is NOT going to bid 1NT for two reasons. One he still has that singleton, but more importantly, his partner could not even keep the bidding alive, and a 1NT bid here opposite a passed hand promises more than a 1NT opener in strength. This is getting close too two strong, but it is not there.
So West will open 1♦ and south will balance back with 1♥ (jilly, the number of hearts is ok for 2♥ but the hand is not strong enough). West is NOT going to bid 1NT for two reasons. One he still has that singleton, but more importantly, his partner could not even keep the bidding alive, and a 1NT bid here opposite a passed hand promises more than a 1NT opener in strength. This is getting close too two strong, but it is not there.
If you're going to snarkily reply to my post, at least actually read it, I didn't suggest E was going to respond to 1♦ with the hand in the OP, but with the hand I gave to illustrate why you don't open 1N (K109xx, J10x, x, xxxx).
Last I checked I had a nice 18 count which I chose to treat as 18-19 bal which is what the 1N rebid opposite a passed hand shows.
To Antrax, our auction would not be N/B suitable, but (playing weak no trump bent Acol), it would go:
1♦-1♠-2N(GF unbal)-3♣(forced unless very shapely)-3♠(5+♦ probably 5 maybe 6 bad, exactly 3♠)-4♠
Posted 2013-July-22, 00:46
I only suggested 1NT with a singleton as an alternative - if it's too confusing I apologize. I thought perhaps OP saw others landed in 2♠ and wondered how. I would personally prefer not to have to reverse with this hand.
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So West will open 1♦ and south will balance back with 1♥ (jilly, the number of hearts is ok for 2♥ but the hand is not strong enough). West is NOT going to bid 1NT for two reasons. One he still has that singleton, but more importantly, his partner could not even keep the bidding alive, and a 1NT bid here opposite a passed hand promises more than a 1NT opener in strength. This is getting close too two strong, but it is not there.
North has a close decision. His partner's 1♥ bid takes into account that he (north) has some values. That is the balancer is counting on North to have at least 7 or 10 points, which north has, but he has no fit for hearts. Some would bid 1NT with north, others would bid 2♣.
If north bids 1NT, he likely plays that contract.
IF north bids 2♣, South will pass and West will reopen with a double and EW will find their spade fit
IF North passes, East will balance back with 2♠ and west will have to avoid the temptation to bid 3♠... his partner couldn't keep the auction alive earlier.
So the three most likely auctions (imho for beginner/novice forum) are, depending upon North's action
p-p-2S-ALL PASS (2S EW as shown)
p-1NT-All pass (1NT NS)
X-p-2S- ALL PASS (2S EW)