What is the best bid (and its meaning) for West to make following East's 2C bid? I am playing 2/1, 2C promising 11+ and 4+ clubs.
It seems like 2♠, 3♣, 3♦(splinter), 4♣(what meaning does this typically suggest?) and maybe even 4♦(also a splinter?) are all conceivable options.
Perhaps there are some other good options I didn't think of.

Edit: My usage of 'jump reverse' was incorrect, as two posters have mentioned all ready. I am no longer confident anyone recommends the use of 3D as a natural jump shift showing additional values and a 5/4 shape or better after a forcing response, and have edited small parts of the post to reflect this change and avoid unnecessary confusion. My misunderstanding stemmed from a misreading of Max Hardy's (in-depth) "Two over One Game Force".