How do you play this?
Posted 2013-July-07, 19:13
4H (4S) 5C
Is clubs an alternate place to play, promising heart tolerance, is it a cue in support of hearts or something else?
“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, f–k off!” Anders Vistisen
Posted 2013-July-07, 20:25
jillybean, on 2013-July-07, 19:13, said:
4H (4S ) 5C
Is clubs an alternate place to play, promising heart tolerance, is it a cue in support of hearts or something else?
It is a real head scratcher. Was 1NT presumably natural? Any chance it was some weird psyche? After your partner has described his shape and strength with his 1NT bid, and you have expressed a desire to bid and play 4♥, he can not be suggesting a club contract. Also, he has no idea if you have a (relative given the 4♥ bid) defensive hand, or if you have extra offense not yet fully shown.
If psyche 1NT is a possibility, I go with that, lots and lots of clubs, highly unbalanced, and nothing exciting in hearts, no defense. As a general rule, the 1NT bid should deny heart support anyway. So if he didn't psyche 1NT with something like 8 or 9 clubs, I have no idea what it is.
Posted 2013-July-07, 20:38
I'd also think that 1H-1N; 4H-5C is a cue without interference (this is of course a different beast since 1N is forcing).
"...we live off being battle-scarred veterans who manage to hate our opponents slightly more than we hate each other.” -- Hamman, re: Wolff
Posted 2013-July-08, 03:36
If anything, it probably means I was playing 1NT as a transfer to clubs.
Posted 2013-July-08, 09:48
karlson, on 2013-July-08, 09:10, said:
Yep this one I think.
Posted 2013-July-08, 09:53
of clubs and some heart support giving an alternative
contract x xx xx KQxxxxxx and zero defense.
Posted 2013-July-08, 10:53
A lead directing raise is close to waterboarding. We have suit preference for that.
What is baby oil made of?
Posted 2013-July-08, 12:05
Like I said, probably a bad bid. Alert!

Posted 2013-July-08, 13:31
Posted 2013-July-08, 13:36
Sanity Check: Failure (Fluffy)
More system is not the answer...
Posted 2013-July-08, 13:38
Posted 2013-July-09, 05:56
ggwhiz, on 2013-July-08, 10:53, said:
And what is your system for giving suit preference before opening lead?
Posted 2013-July-10, 17:42

but doubled instead and afterwards wanted to know how I would have understood a 5♣ bid, this was with a new partner.
Here's the full hand but the auction looks odd. I cant imagine north bidding anything other than 4♠ but I did get a chance to
bid 4♥ so North did something other than 4♠
“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, f–k off!” Anders Vistisen
Posted 2013-July-11, 02:35
BTW, I like your partner's approach - avoiding the undiscussed bid. Though if he wanted to do something to get you to 5♥ there was another alternative.

Posted 2013-July-11, 04:32