The play went:
♣5 to dummy's ace, East encouraging.
Spade to the 8, jack and king
♣9 to the king
Spade to dummy's queen
♥J to the king
Club ruffed by South.
South cashed his remaining trumps. On the last trump, West threw ♦10. East threw an encouraging diamond, ♣Q and another diamond.
South played two rounds of spades hoping to endplay West, but West cashed ♣2 for -1
Systemically, EW lead 2nd from both xxx and xxxx. On the second round, they play low from an original xxx and high from an original xxxx.
The EW convention card says:
Opening lead style: "2nd/4th"
Hi-x: Odd
Lo-x: Even
Hi-x: Odd
Lo-x: Even
South understood this to mean that the systemic lead from 9532 was the 2. He said that with correct information he would have known that West was 4=3=2=4, and he would have dropped ♦K.
EW argued that the term "2nd/4th" is normally used to mean that they lead 2nd from either xxx or xxxx, and that "Hi-x" means "playing a high spot card followed by a lower one".
South pointed out these sections of the guide to completing the WBF convention card.
2nd/4th: Second best from short, fourth best from long holdings. (Note: this is NOT the designation for second from a bad holding, fourth from an honour).
For example, [if] you lead...
Second highest from four or more small cards: xSxx(+) in the "Hi-x" section
For example, [if] you lead...
Second highest from four or more small cards: xSxx(+) in the "Hi-x" section
In case it's relevant, here is a discussion of the meaning of the term "2nd/4th": http://www.bridgebas...47-2nd-and-4th/
I was South. EW were Romanian.