Modified step response to 2c opener a new method of reply to your partner
Posted 2013-June-16, 18:42
in responding to your partner.
0-3 pts bid your 4+ suit at the 2 level...if you have a 4-3-3-3 with clubs bid 2nt
4-9 pts bid your 5+ suit at the 3 level...if no 5 card suit, bit 3nt
10+ pts bid your 5+ suit or take over and go 4nt asking for aces.
Thats it...if you try it and use it for a length of time, you will find it much
better than 2D waiting or plain steps.
Posted 2013-June-16, 20:51
Posted 2013-June-17, 05:41

seems like a really bad system to me!
Posted 2013-June-17, 06:11
To the OP, can I ask a question: Would you regard the following as worth a 2C opener?
If you do, then perhaps you would explain how the subsequent auction would develop under your methods, given the following four (of many) possible hands that responder might have:
Auction commences: 2C-3S. Objective: to stop in 3N or 4H.
Auction commences: 2C-3S. Objective: to stop in 6H
Auction commences: 2C-3N. Objective: to stop in 6H
Auction commences: 2C-3N. Objective: To stop in 3N or 4H.
Psyche (pron. sahy-kee): The human soul, spirit or mind (derived, personification thereof, beloved of Eros, Greek myth).
Masterminding (pron. m

"Gentlemen, when the barrage lifts." 9th battalion, King's own Yorkshire light infantry,
2000 years earlier: "morituri te salutant"
"I will be with you, whatever". Blair to Bush, precursor to invasion of Iraq
Posted 2013-June-17, 06:53
If your desire is to pre-empt the opponents, then you want to concentrate hands into the more expensive sequences, in order to deny the opponents the benefit of those additional bidding sequences that would otherwise be available to them. But after a 2C opener, pre-empting the opponents is generallly not a priority. This argues for a system in which hand types are allocated to responses roughly in proportion to the number of followup sequences available, which in turn suggests that (for example) a 2D response should show vastly more hand types than a 3N response. That principle does not appear to be observed in the proposed structure.
Psyche (pron. sahy-kee): The human soul, spirit or mind (derived, personification thereof, beloved of Eros, Greek myth).
Masterminding (pron. m

"Gentlemen, when the barrage lifts." 9th battalion, King's own Yorkshire light infantry,
2000 years earlier: "morituri te salutant"
"I will be with you, whatever". Blair to Bush, precursor to invasion of Iraq
Posted 2013-June-17, 07:03
1eyedjack, on 2013-June-17, 06:53, said:
The sequence you quote (1,2,4,8....) is exponential, not Fibonacci. The Fibonacci sequence (1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21...) is the one you should use if one of the partners always relays. The exponential sequence is the one to use if both partner's convey information.
Posted 2013-June-17, 07:05
Personally I feel that when partner opens 2C we should just sit back and find out what he's got. Maybe we can suggest a good 6+ suit of our own as trumps but I wouldn't want to eat room bidding a 5-card suit.
Posted 2013-June-17, 08:33
ahydra, on 2013-June-17, 07:05, said:
Personally I feel that when partner opens 2C we should just sit back and find out what he's got. Maybe we can suggest a good 6+ suit of our own as trumps but I wouldn't want to eat room bidding a 5-card suit.
With all due respect, this is a common misconception of how one should conduct auctions with a strong hand facing a much weaker hand.
The best method is where the strong hand asks and the weak hand tells, as the weak hand has far less information to convey (with rare exceptions), and the strong hand is likely to be in a better position to make use of the information.
This is the basis behind strong club systems, and, especially, relay systems.
I have found that a control showing response to a strong 2♣ opening works nicely, as the first response will often clarify to opener whether the hand is a game, small slam or grand slam hand (those rare hands where opener rebids 2NT and it goes all pass or transfer and drop take care of themselves). But most players are not comfortable with control showing responses.
Posted 2013-June-17, 09:30
The scheme I prefer is as follows:
A=2, K=1
2♦ = 0-1 controls
2♥ = 2 controls
2♠ = AK
2N = KKK (Likely right siding any NT contract)
3♣ = 4+ controls, 3♦ relays for count if desired, then 3♥=4,3♠=5, etc
3♦-3♠ show a decent 6 card with no more than one control. Something like KQxxxx xx xx xxx type hand.
After 2♣, we are 99% GF...the only passable auction is 2♣-2♦-2N, and then only with 0 controls.
Posted 2013-June-17, 09:42
PhilKing, on 2013-June-17, 06:23, said:
With frequent upgrades, of course -- for instance, the Queen and Jack in the same suit.
Posted 2013-June-17, 09:46
edit: deleted nonsense.
Posted 2013-June-17, 11:42
tseager44, on 2013-June-16, 18:42, said:
If you have a single suited hand with 5+♣s and 0-3 pts the structure has no bid.
Posted 2013-June-17, 11:54
George Carlin
Posted 2013-June-17, 12:05
Posted 2013-June-17, 14:19
2♦: 0-1 control
2♥: 2 controls
2♠: 3 controls
2NT: 4 controls
3♣: 5+ controls
3♦: a transfer to ♥, showing in essence a minimum weak two. GF.
3♥:a transfer to ♠, showing in essence a minimum weak two. GF.
There are higher level responses, but they're very rare.
Also, 2♣ shows the following possible hand types:
balanced (possible 5 card major), 23-24 HCP, 8 controls.
balanced (possible 5 card major), 29-30 HCP, 11 controls.
unbalanced, any primary suit except diamonds, one or two suited, 3 or fewer losers (2 if the suit is clubs), at least 6 controls.
The auction 2♣-2♦-2NT is not forcing. All other auctions are forcing to at least game.
As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
Our ultimate goal on defense is to know by trick two or three everyone's hand at the table. -- Mike777
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean