mycroft, on 2013-June-18, 16:42, said:
Of course all of this is ad fundamentum extractum.
I am inclined to guess along these lines as well. Actually, I mentioned in the OP that this was Becky's (my wife's) guess as well. Adam had a whole string, and in combo they may well explain it. Actually most everyone who has made a ny guess seems to guess along these lines.
Again, the part that really stunned me was the $108K, or $105K or whatever. Even with all of the explanations. Just the sheer amoun boggles my mind. But then also I still am amazed that the median household income (no restrictins, is around 65K and the four person one is 105 K. I had thought the overall median to be around 60, so 68 does not amaze me. I would expect there to be variations with houshold size but really I would have expected the biggest variation to be from 2 to 3. My wife and I are a household of two. It's just different from when I first became a household of three, carting diapers to the laundromat on my bicycle because we had neither a washer nor a car. Oh to be young again, but there were issues.
Anyway, if I am stunned I am stunned. But I will perhaps broaden my comments later.