My current needs are for 200 hands mixed together for practice bidding minor oriented hands that meet the following criteria:
Opener-----a precision 1d opener 11-15 could be few as 2 diamonds
less than 16
not a 14-16 balanced hand, for this sample balanced = no shortness or 6-card suit
not a hand that would open 1M, a 5-card major is fine if also holding a 6-card minor
not a hand with 6 or more clubs unless holding 7 diamonds
not a hand that meets the criteria for a precision 2d bid that is 11-15 exactly, 4414, 4315, 3415, 4405
10+ hands that will bid 2C or 2D over a precision 1D. These may contain a 4 card Major if GF but not if invitational
I have some specific hand categories I'd like but I'd rather PM more details.
Shoot me a bid if your interested.