dburn, on 2013-June-15, 15:34, said:
An earlier principle stated by dburn is this: the slowness of any call is in direct proportion to the caller's desire that it not be the final call in the auction. West had a prototypical slow 4♥, and East had an obvious 5♥ bid over 5♣ with all working cards. Sophisticated partnerships should consider using East's 5♦ as "last train" in this kind of auction; at least, they should until the just anger of the populace results in the incarceration or execution of people who think that a slow 4♥ doesn't demonstrably suggest anything. Bah.
Can you expound on the thought that the slow 4H suggests a particular action? Frankly, the only thing that you have brought to bear on that point is mockery - not an unusual argument, but not effective, either, when you rise above grammar school level...